I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, July 19, 2014

New 2-Room BTO Flats for Singles

Yeayyy....I finally am a proud owner of a home!!


Pray for Gaza, pray for MH17, pray for MH370, pray for unity, pray for humanity, pray for solidarity, pray for peace, anywhere, everywhere for whoever and whatever regardless of race, language or religion.....

Friday, July 18, 2014

Blessed Ramadan For Me

Dear Diary,

We are in the month of Ramadan now and there has not been a day that I have missed fasting. My period has not come and I have to admit I hate it. I hope it comes earlier as the last ten days of Ramadan is considered as the most holiest days of all and I do not want to miss these days of course. Fasting has been easy for me. I do not wake up for sahur but I have been fasting well and good so far. I know I should have woken up for sahur as it is advisable for Muslims but I am simply lazy.

Ramadan this year has been very kind to me and it has brought me three, happy news. Do you remember about a house that I want to buy? After three unsuccessful attempts, I finally made it on the fourth attempt. I could not believe it! I never thought that I would be successful. There are so many competitions and not only do I have to compete agaisnt other singles but I also have to compete with applications that come from families. You see Diary most Singaporeans own homes from the Housing Development Board or as it is better known HDB Flats. These flats although are built by the government and make up about 80% of the housing markets in Singapore, they do not come cheap. The rest of the 20% comes from the private properties market, which comprise of condominiums, apartments and landed properties.

Land is scarce in Singapore. Anything that requires land to be functional will surely cost a bomb in Singapore. For the first time the government has allowed singles to purchase an HDB flat directly from HDB under the single schemes. We never have this scheme before. To purchase an HDB flat directly from HDB has always been the priorities of families or the married couples. Singles were only allowed to buy from the resale market. People like me, welcomes this move by the government. I do no see myself having the chance of owning an HDB flat from the resale market as they are really out of my budget. 

I thank Allah for this rezeki and to make my dream comes true. All I ever wanted in Singapore is an asset and I got it now. The flat is 47 square meters big with 1 bedroom, 1 hall and 1 bathroom. This is really for single, mind you Diary. I have gone to the showflat and I am all excited to furnish my house. Oh yes, this house is only ready in 2018. I am four years away from it, but who cares? The primary thing is to own an asset here remember? I do not need a house urgently. I do not think that my brother has plans to chase me out of this house anytime soon. I have been good living with him. I do the laundry, I wash the dishes, I clean the house and I feed the cats, not to mention I buy them food as well. What more can you ask for from me? 

I have not selected my unit yet but I know what I want. I am going to take the highest floor and of course, it is going to be the most expensive the higher it is. I am not acrophobic. Living in high rise flats give me the feel of being at the summit in the mountains. I just like looking down and I like being high. That is the first good news. Let’s talk about the second good news.

I have gotten a new job in the bank. Yes, I am going back to the banking industry; the one industry that I feel most comfortable. This is not contract position but this is a permanent one. I will have full benefits in any forms. I could not ask for more. The interview was not easy. There were 10 other candidates and I was not thinking of anything when I was there. I felt somewhat resigned. I did not think of getting the job. All I was thinking was to get it over and done with. There was a little hope at a corner of my heart but I refused to pay attention to it as I do not want to be dissapointed. The salary package is good and I would be lying if I were not attracted to it apart from the job scope. This is by far a job, which offers me the best monetary and other benefits in my entire life! 

Flying Babe is happy about it. I shared the good news with her quite late. We do not talk everyday but somehow I feel this is the news that I must share with her. My parents are happy about it. I am happy about it. I suppose it suffices if my parents are happy. They are my responsibilities now and having this allows me to take care of them. Having the financial means simply gives me more opportunities to carry out my responsibilities. Mother is going to retire next year. Father has already retired. I guess I will take over money matters in my household full scale next year.  There are reasons why things happen. Allah listens to our prayers and he knows what we want.  He knows our intentions. Our intentions are secrets between Allah and us, and we cannot lie to him.  

 So, what is the third good news? My housing loan for the flat is approved and this will make the process a smooth one for me. I feel so contented and blessed. Ramadan 2014 has definitely been good to me. Syukur Alhamdulillah!!!