I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mentally and Physically Tiring Day

Dear Diary,

I am writing to you using my ipad courtesy of Hello Kitty. For the first time, I am using this ipad to write stories to you. Stories that I could recall when I grow old if you still exist in my life then. I do not know how long do I have to live Diary but my purpose of having you around is to have some kind of a record of how I have lived my life. If I would have lived thirty or forty more years, I definitely would love to read about how I have travelled my live journey. The people in my life before and after and the things that I have done, reading about them surely will bring back fond memories putting smile on my face.

I am in the prayer room in my house lying on my stomach while tabbing the keyboard. It is a quiet and cold night. I spent the day in the office at 11 in the morning until 1 in the afternoon. I attended the briefing for district 15 project and I just don't know what to say about it. There are many things on my mind. I was in high spirit until I got to know that there are fees involved to join the marketing team. Well yeah, I can understand and I have been told but I did not expect that it is to be with immediate effect.

The training room was packed with hopeful agents when I got there. I got myself a seat because I was early. The late comers had to stand. Only after it was made known that there was fees involved to join the system, then many left and the room became less crowded. I took the opportunity to walk out too. I supposed the system only suits those agents who are well establish or rather who have money to spend for capital. It is a similar commitment to buying a car where I have to pay a monthly fee of $300 for advertisements. I dare not commit. I am still struggling to make ends meet and how can I commit to something like that? Yes, they say to think positive but I have to be practical as well. Besides, there are a couple of loopholes that I just do not see the big picture.

I went home after the briefing thinking what if I have the money, would there be any different? I am not sure Diary. It is all about money now. When you have money, you can do almost all that you want. I might skip this project probably and join the project marketing system. I suppose project marketing suits me more. I just have to register for the course and once I have finished it, I am ready to go. I guess doing project marketing will be a good platform for me to start doing private property.

The buyer for my house came over tonight and they have chosen what they want and what they do not want. We asked for a week extension stay but was denied. That means we have to move out of this house by 24th January. The new house is still not completed yet and I am not sure if it will be ready before 24th. Things were a bit tense when I was discussing about this matter with the buyer. They seemed difficult to compromise. All they gave me was trouble while I have been very patient and kind towards them. They have postponed the transaction twice and now, they cannot even extend my stay for 2 days.

Dad was unhappy and almost created a commotion when my brother just made it worse. I was praying in my heart that both of them would just stay calmed and collected. I honesty did not want any pandemonium. I have had enough for the day and really, I was tired to take anymore. Did you know that I packed my stuffs when I got home? I was tired Diary and the dissapointment in the office was still in the air. I took control of the situation and told my buyer that I will push my contractor to finish the renovation earlier as he promised.

Well let's hope things are going to be fine now. I really cannot wait to have my own privacy. I have it all figured out. The environment is going to be more conducive for me to work from home. Hooray for me!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

What's New In My Life.

Dear Diary,

I supposed it has been more than a month since I last wrote to you. Forgive me Diary because I have been busy with my life. I have not forgotten you neither have I wanted to ignore you but my schedule had been tight for the past month. I had been working Diary. What I meant was I had been literally working, like having a full time job that pays me a salary at the end of the month.

I thought that I had chosen the right job for myself, well perhaps I might have but at my kind of age, I cannot depend on that salary. It was a sales job with a base salary and commission but the base salary was too small for me and the commission system was a misery. I have so many plans for myself and I couldn’t wait. It is just too much to explain what is in my head Diary but I know what I want in my life and I have said to myself, if I have to work that hard and get reward as such then I might as well focus on something that I know I can be rewarded well and handsomely.

After three weeks of joining the working force with a schedule of 9 to 6 from Monday to Friday, I decided to quit. There was a little of commotion when I tendered my resignation but I managed to make the company accepted my notice in 24 hours. I was not happy Diary. I have not been an employee for the past 5 years and becoming one proved to be too much for me to handle. I am back in property and I guess I have realized what I have to do.

There are plans for my division to go into the private market and that probably helps to boost my spirit. District 15 is where we are going to target and I might be a part of the team to market the private properties there. I really don’t know how it is going to work but I have decided to do it anyway. Being in the full time salaried workforce for the three weeks has taught me what I really have to do to stay focus. It sort of acts like an eye opener for me and I have to admit that it has broaden my mind a bit.

I was forced to wake up at 6 in the morning and leave home at 7 and that routine that I had to adopt in that 3 weeks has somehow made me a more disciplined person. I go to sleep early and I wake up early too just as the sun is about to rise. I suppose that is what I must practice to succeed. Early bird catches the worm I was told.

There are a couple of new things in my life now. I enjoy them very much and I look forward to treasure every moment I spend with them. There are many things that you have to know about my life now Diary. I have progressed emotionally and mentally. 2010 is gone but what I have learnt in 2010 will always be in my background. The people I have known and the people that I have left, the places that I have left my footprints and the places that I have just stumble upon, they are still in my mind. I still feel for them but I know now that I am leading a new life in new places with new people. Life goes on with memories in the background waiting to be reminisced.