I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Let Time Be The Healer...

Dear Diary,

I am tired and sleepy. I know I have not been writing to you. I hope I have not lost the skill to write because I still want to write my life stories to you. Writing has been my only medium of pouring out what my heart truly feels and what my brain truly thinks. There is no lying in my writings because I know everytime when I write, I write from my heart. 

I have told you before that Hello Kitty lost her dad in my previous entry to you. It was four days before Shawal and I received the news in my office while I was working. The news came as a shock to me and I felt deeply sorry for her loss and how I regret I couldn’t be there for her. She was crying uncontrollably on the phone and all I could afford to do was to listen and did not say a word. I was in a state of shock and words suddenly became so limited to me.

Hello Kitty did tell me that her dad was waiting for the time to leave and that was what the doctors told her family too. I did not get the chance to meet her father during his last few days. Although I came to the hospital but I never had the chance to look at his condition, as I had to wait outside his ward. The security guards were always on the ball never once let any unauthorized visitors slip through under their nose which was something that I think the hospital can be proud of.

His death was rather unexpected. He left behind a wife and three daughters, Hello Kitty being the eldest. It was a sad affair. I did not attend his funeral to pay my last respect. I did not have the chance as I was working and work was really demanding I could not take the day off. I guess I know what they feel when the news came to them. It brought me to the days when my brother died. Life and death, it is so easy to welcome life but so difficult to accept death, especially of the ones we love. Love and death, death will certainly leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. 

I came a day later after the funeral. Things looked normal, everybody looked calm but I know deep down inside the hearts of each and everyone of them lies a deep ocean of sadness, sorrow and lost that will never heal through time. I know because I have been there. I never asked a thing about the death.  As much as I want to make them feel better, I cannot deny that I feel helpless at the same time. I know no matter what I say or do, nothing will bring their father back. 

I looked at the face of her mother. I could not sense any sadness from her face. This one tough lady that I barely knew for almost a year. I knew what she has to go through soon, the agony of facing the loss of a husband. I can hardly breathe thinking about it. It will be sad for her and I really hope that her heart would be as strong as how her expression was when I laid my eyes on her the first time after the death of her husband.

Nothing was spoken about his death when I came to visit. I knew I shouldn’t be asking, at least not yet because sorrow you can hold, however desolating, if nobody speaks to you.  If they speak, you break down. I have not met Hello Kitty eversince, she is back to her hometown now accompanying her mother. I guess she does the right thing and everything happens for a reason or two.  I am assuming that they are grieving now. I supposed it is good for them as grief is itself a medicine. I hope they will bear in mind that there are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go. May the faithful departed rest in peace and may his soul be blessed by Allah saw. Amin…

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It Has Been Awhile...

Dear diary,

How long has it been? It has been such a long time since I last wrote. Please accept my apologies. I have always thought of you but time was not on my side. I have been busy lately that I did not even have time to myself. Many things have happened during the time I was away. Too many that perhaps I can make a book out of it.

I have a new job that I like which ultimately gives me a new life. The new house is more organised with new decorations put up for hari raya. Hang Tuah got an ear infection, which caused his ear to collapse so his ear is one up and one down now. I got a job offer in KL, which seems to take forever to finalise. I got my car back last month and Hello Kitty's dad passed away five days before Aidilfitri. Those are the highlights in my life currently.

My new job is with a bank and I like it. There are stresses and pressures but I guess that is what sales job is all about. I shall not say that I have been doing well with this new job but I certainly can say that I have progressed day by day. I have not made any friends yet but I chose not to anyway. I like the job scopes here and I think I am going to do fairly well here. The daily target is achievable however; there are many obstacles that I have to tackle before I am eligible for the commission scheme.

Moving on, this year is the first year we are celebrating aidilfitri in this new home of ours. It is nicely decorated and I am happy with the new look. I did not participate at all in decorating the house. I tried but I think I would rather stay out of it. I am never creative nor artistic. If you were to give me a pencil with a piece of blank paper for me to draw, I will surrender however if those pencil and paper are for me to write, I will submit to the demand without the slightest hesitation. At times I wonder if I would be able to decorate my own house on my own. I guess I could if I am given the opportunity.

Let us talk about Hang Tuah now Diary. He had an ear infection and we sent him to the vet. Apparently, one of his veins in his ear burst and that caused the blood from that vein to flow out and flood his ear. The vet gave us two options and we chose the latter instead of the former. Hang Tuah's ear collapsed after the treatment, it sort of shrunk from its usual size and of course he does not even realise that. Despite his condition and with his new appearance, he is being loved unconditionally.

Oh yes, I have got a job offer in Kuala Lumpur which seems to take forever to conclude. I am eager to be back there but at the same time I am also sceptical. Here I am in Singapore, having found the job that might be the passport to my ambition and having to leave the job for something that is uncertain on the other side of the fence is merely a big risk that I have to take.

Well, it is not finalise yet Diary. I do not even know how much they are offering me let alone if they are serious about hiring me. To be back to where I left my heart is such a blessing but at the same time, I do not wish to fail again. I miss driving my car and I miss my lifestyle there but I am not going to leave the hope for a better tomorrow in a job that I have now. I wish the job offer in Kuala Lumpur would be finalise soon so I know where I shall put my attention.

I am tired now Diary. Talk to you later.