I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Moving On To Pursue Happiness

Dear Diary,

Work has been fine for me. There are a lot to say but I guess I will just leave some stories behind. I have been trying to write to you but I am too tired after work. Staying awake on the train on my way home becomes such a tall order nowadays. Sleepiness has become my best friend and no matter how hard I try to stay awake, I always end up dozing off to bed.

This job is the most physical one I have ever had. What makes it worst is, I have a team of superiors who simply cannot put their mind and heart at ease whenever they see us idling or resting. We cannot sit discreetly for a short while neither can we stand in a group to chat when we are free. It is even worse than a school. We can only smoke during break and really, I am so not used to it. It is not easy working here you know. I am hanging on until I get what I want. When the time comes for me to leave, I will.

Work is as usual, tiring and demanding. There is a new girl I am training currently. She is from Malaysia and it is her first time working in Singapore. Perak is her hometown and I remember what I did when I went there with Pumpkin. I had a great time with Pumpkin you know. We talked a lot about life and stuffs while we were there. Sometimes I miss her company Diary. Pumpkin is married now with a child. She calls me the godmother of her son and yes, that makes me feel honoured. I supposed my relationship with her is at a level where we have such mutual respect for each other.

Pumpkin knows me and she reads me well. Even after I snapped at her for no reason, she would still be there for me. She remembers me for every event she has had in her life. I still remember when she broke the news that she is getting married. I was already back in Singapore then. All I could think of at that time was would I still have my guardian angel in Subang Jaya if I come back for good. I am not sure Diary. Many things have changed with the people I know. People change and so do things. Everybody and everything move on. Even the world changes overnight everyday with day replacing night and night replacing day.

Gummy Bear has gone through another sour breakup. Her ex girlfriend cheated on her but she lied to Gummy Bear saying her parents forced her to get married. I knew it was a lie. Which parents would force a daughter to get married nowadays? We are living in a twentieth century. The minute she told me the story, I knew it was merely something said to avoid from telling the truth. I am not sure if I understood the whole situation but I suppose people tell lies for reasons not to hurt another however, it is more hurtful when the truth comes out. It is like that you know. I had been in both shoes so I know. I had cheated on relationships and I was cheated before. You know I was young, wild and playful. Going steady and breaking off with girls was easy for me. Well, that was of course my past. I supposed out of the many women I had been with, I was in love with only one.

I have heard somewhere that we can love many people but we cannot be in love with so many people at a time. We have to have some kind of a principle that we stand by when it comes to love. I swear I did not know the difference between loving and being in love then until I met her. I love her and I knew I was in love with her because I would do anything for her. I still talk about her and even dream of her. It was not easy mending a broken heart you know Diary. I suppose I kept on being in love with her until the day she told me she has found a new love.

As I said, people move on and sometimes the one person that you really love can only exists in your heart and not in your life. If that makes her happy, so be it even if it makes you unhappy. What matters most in love is her happiness and not yours. Love is too complex to understand so I have stopped trying to understand love. My hardest-learned lesson of love:  that people have only their kind of love to give, not our kind.  I never hope for love anymore, all I am hoping for is happiness because I know happiness is eternity.

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