I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Spending Time in Tangkak

Dear Diary, 

I was supposed to work regularly until the end of February but the management at my workplace decided to stop our service temporarily until 2nd of February. This whole thing ruined my plan and I was a little bit pissed with them. 

Oh, you remember I told you I have gotten myself a temporary job? Did I tell you? Anyway, this temporary job is supposed to keep me busy until my trip to Middle East. I hoped this job can back me up financially as well but since this happened. I really got to rely on my savings. 

I have got about two weeks of free time and I have decided to spend it in Tangkak alone. Well, my best friend is in Muar, so I am sure I wont be lonely. It is about 30 minutes drive to meet her. We meet always whenever I am in Tangkak, we talk and we catch up on old times. I supposed we never get bored with each other. 

I packed my bag for the trip tomorrow and I noticed there were something inside the mesh pocket. I have not used the bag for a long time since I moved back to Singapore. I used that bag a lot when I lived in Subang Jaya. Whenever I came back to Singapore for a few days, it was that bag that I used. 

I have seen that 'something' since then but I ignored it until tonight. I unzipped the pocket and took it out. They were two photographs of her. I stared at the photographs and recalled how she gave them to me. She was everywhere and she still is. I put the pictures back into the pocket. She is no longer mine but the pictures are still mine and I intend to keep them just like how my heart keeps her presence in me.

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