I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, January 19, 2006

she's so nice...

Dear diary,
I went for my exam this afternoon. I wasn’t late but when I got there I couldn’t find my name on the list. I got panicked a bit and consulted one of the clerk. He told me to go to level eight and check my name there. I went and I couldn’t find it. I looked at my watch and it was 5 more minutes before exam start. I hate to be late and to be in a rush. I always make sure I arrive early for my class. I looked at the list again and there it was, my name without the surname. I got to my sit and I tried to calm myself.
Many of the students have already got to their seats. They were all prepared and ready to sit for the exam. I see the determination in their faces. I wasn’t sure if I was ready but I knew I had done all I could within my capability to get myself prepared. Unit 1 paper was the toughest to me. I read the first question and I didn’t know how to do. I went on to the second question and I got the same feeling. I proceeded to the next one till I managed to find the question that I know how to do. It was really tough. As you know, I was three weeks late for my school. I missed the beginning of the lessons for unit 1 and that made me kind of lost when it comes to discussing about unit 1. I don’t know how will I do but I hope I will pull it through with the rest of the papers. Unit 2 and 3 were fairly tough and easy. But I managed to answer all the questions for unit 2 and 3. the question now is, how correct are my answers.
I left home early and was on the train to KL central when candyfloss called and asked if I want her to pick me up. She did not go for her class cos she had difficulty finding a space to park her car. I believed her when she told me that because ei know what it is like to drive here. I got to KL central at 11 am and she was there waiting for me. You know diary, candyfloss is nice and sometimes I wonder what are her feelings toward me. Honestly, I like to be around her. I enjoy her company everytime she’s around. She’s simple and understanding. I like those kind of girls. I was very glad that I made that call to her. Otherwise we wouldn’t be talking to each other. We would not have known that we are in the same school.
How I remember when I first entered the school and thought to myself what if I run into her in the school hall, what if I see her in the lift. You remember I told you I wanted to ring her and say hello. I did that and she welcomed my move to rekindle old friendship. She wasn’t home at first but I left her a message. Her mom probably passed her my message and she called me back. That’s when it all started. I never asked her anything about her status, I didn’t ask if she is seeing someone or is there anyone she’s hoping to be with. I chose not to go into personal details.I have hang out with her twice already since I came back back a week ago. I am going back to singapore tomorrow but will be back before 6th of feb to KL cos school starts on the 6th of feb.

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