I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bringing It To Life Again...

Dear diary,
It seems to me that I have to do this every time I start writing to you nowadays. Forgive me for not writing for such a long time. I haven’t been busy but I always think that I am busy until the extent I ignore you. I didn’t mean to ignore you but with life over here, no fixed income and no internet connection at home, I am just lazy to write even though I have so much more stories to share with you than living in Singapore. I really do have so many stories to tell you but I have been holding them back far too long until I forgot most of the stories. Perhaps we can start from the latest to the not so latest one. How about that diary?
I have been climbing mountains and I can see myself being active again like how I was ten years ago. It was different back then and now. I was young and probably I was stronger then than now. Climbing mountains nowadays is easy with all the equipments I have in store but money is not that easy to come by. I have to finance myself and it can be tough when I am a student waiting for my pocket money from my parents. It’s just so sad isn’t it? I am looking for ways to boost my financial status and I know I can do that even though I am a student.
The only drawback I have is, I am a foreigner here. It’s not that easy as it may seem but I know I will get by. I am thankful and grateful for the number of friends and relatives I have over here. They can be useful when I really need their help. Oh, I forgot to mention that, they are the most reliable and trustworthy friends and relatives. In another word, they are friends and relatives with quality. Anybody can have an abundant supply of friends and relatives but not anybody can have friends and relatives that can offer you help with just one phone call.
Ok, let us not sway from what I wanted to write to you. Now, what is it that I wanted to write to you? Oh yeah…it’s about me going active again with mountain climbing. I have climbed mount ophir seven times and I did it twice within the past six months. Can you believe that diary? I brought eternity along in that two trips and I think she already is my climbing buddy officially. Of course, we did not make any ceremony to acknowledge that we are each other’s climbing buddy but I think both of us know it.
Eternity has improved on her personality during the second trip. Although she was a little slower than the first trip, in terms of teamwork, she has improved tremendously. She helped me cook, clean and set up the tent this time round. She knew what she had to do and I didn’t have to tell her what to do. I really appreciate her company this time and I knew then, her company is essential when I go mountain climbing. The second trip was longer than the first one. We spent two nights up in the mountain, so we had plenty of time to relax and unwind. I brought along cross word puzzle but eternity devoted much of her free time to it so I didn’t spend my time with it. I had diarrhoea on the second day and it really surprised me because I have climbed a couple of mountains and never had diarrhoea before. It was quite an experience without the basic facilities. I even had to squat on a piece of rock at the waterfall with running stream water underneath my buttock so that it will wash away my waste. Oh gee, I can’t imagine telling it to you. The best part about it all was, while I was squatting, came three other campers from another campsite sitting by the waterfall directly opposite of me. It was dark at night and all of us had only our torchlights and headlights. I just had to switch on my headlights while I was throwing my waste. It is to avoid them from being able to see clearly in my direction.
What really bothered me was, I had to squat there for as long as they were there because, I had my pants down and even if I didn’t feel like throwing anymore, I simply couldn’t get up and pull up my pants while they were like twenty meters away from me with a good view of me. My knees got numb a bit and I was greatly relieved when they left. With eternity acting as my guards, I got up and quickly pulled up my pants. It was quite annoying but comical.The group that we joined consist mostly of people who are thirty-five years old and above. They are matured people and it was easy for us to blend in with them. There were not many of them anyway, so we did not feel left out at all. Eternity acted as the bridge of communication between the group and us.
That is the reasons why I have always admire eternity for her communication skills. Perhaps it is not so much on her communication skills but it is more on her outgoing personality that she always manages to accept people easily, regardless of their personality and attitude. I am not like that; I always have difficulty mingling with people because I am a very reserved person naturally and it makes me very selective with whom I want to talk with. I get along with most of them but I find that one of them actually annoyed me a little with his boastful talks. Maybe he wasn’t boastful but that was how he speaks. He talked about all the mountains he had climbed leaving no room for the rest of us to talk. Moreover, when he talked about them, it was as if he was the god of the mountains and that really made me puke. He was ok but I couldn’t stand his boastful manner and so I kept to my own group whenever I can. He asked me about the mountains that I have climbed before and I knew it then that he was actually trying to see how capable I am in mountain climbing. He was actually trying to compare my list of mountains I have climbed with his own and that really irritate me. Oh gee, you boastful old man, and that moment on, I felt like kicking him in the bud when we were going down the mountain and watch him roll down the mountain like an old gunny sack.
Talking about the mountains was not enough, he had to talk about the cooking equipments, the tent he uses and the shoes he wears, I was in my tent trying to enjoy my privacy and it was so frustrating having my privacy invaded at the time I needed it the most. If it was invaded due to some event beyond my control, I wouldn’t mind at all but not because I had to listen to this old moronic mountain freak man. What made it worse was, I had to pee and since he was there sitting talking non stop, I had to hold it feeling very miserable inside. Only God knows how I felt at the time. I wish Puteri Gunung Ledang would have came and saved me but she didn’t. I was looking at him talking and I was imagining shoving a banana in his mouth to shut him up. How I really could have enjoyed that. Anyway, he got tired of talking and joined the rest of his friends by the waterfall lying on the big rock to watch the stars. Eternity and I didn’t joined them as we were more interested to spend time with our air mat and enjoy the natural pleasure of answering nature call in a tent up in a mountain.

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