I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, March 23, 2018

Second Time and More To Come

Dear Diary,

Have I told you that I met Nur Kasih for the second time? My hike to Swettenham was with 14 other participants. Nad and Sarah was with me and we carpooled. Nur Kasih offered to make sandwiches for me and I accepted her offer. She made egg mayonnaise and sardine sandwiches for the three of us. They were delicious and honestly I like them very much.

I met her in the afternoon on Friday. I fetched her from her office and we went for some snacks at a coffee shop nearby. The good thing about her work is, she has work there for the longest time and she is free to come out and meet me easily. She has this flexibility in her workplace that will benefit our relationship. This is a good thing because I can only meet her during weekdays. I came to her office and waited by the roadside. She came bringing along with her this motherly aura she has since she got married and have children.

You see, the thing about married woman is she is sexy without realising it. That motherly care she shows to you is a symbol of deep love of a woman who has carried foetuses in her womb for nine months and nine days without complain. She has given birth to three beautiful children. She showers them with her love, care and concern and now she has me to do the same. Have you ever felt so much love before? I have never felt so much love until I am back with her. This feeling of care she shows me makes me realise how true her love to me is. I might be careless sometimes because I have been single for so long and I overlooked the small matters but I hope she knows that all I have for her are love and happiness. I was so fond of counting my troubles, but I did not count my joys. If I counted them up as I ought to, I would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it. She is my joy nowadays.

I spent about 5 hours with her. I sent her back to her office and waited for her again as she packed up to leave office to go home. She did not drive that day as her car broke down. I sent her home that day. I felt good being able to do that for her. We have come a long way, both of us. We fell in love the first time when we were kids, we had little money but we had so much love for each other. I did not even have a driving license back then while she did not even have a car. I remember those times I spent with her. She was very child-like, manja. And it was my honour to pamper her however I can.

She directed me to her house. The drive was not smooth as she kept giving me the directions at the last minute. I was not angry. I was enjoying the rough and bumpy ride. We were laughing in the car. I supposed both of us had such a lovely time. We have had histories and we both have chemistry. Occasionally she took my hand and held it tight and I would do the same. It is a lucky thing I can drive single handed. I am skilful, I know. Upon reaching her house, we sat in the car for while. She left her house keys in her car and the car is at the workshop. She had to wait for her husband to arrive home. We chatted, we laughed and we were playful to each other. I remember we were like kids. I was happy and she was too and I am glad. I suppose she needs to laugh more, we all do.

When her husband arrives, I sent her to her block. We bid farewell and off I went to USJ to fetch Sarah and Nad. The ride to USJ was bad as Waze failed me and I had to find the way there myself. But it was nothing, I was happy after meeting the love of my life. People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because I am not on my road doesn’t mean I have gotten lost.   

PS: Kau dan aku...Jadi kita satu, Faj sayang Ein 

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