I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

I Met My Nur Kasih

Dear Diary,

I have met my Nur Kasih for the first time in seven years. She is still the same as the last time I saw her. I picked her up at Peugeot Service Centre in Seremban. It was such an impromptu meet up. She had to send her car for service and the nearest to her home is the one in Seremban. She asked if I wanted to meet her there. I grabbed that opportunity without hesitating. I could sense that she was hesitant a bit. Perhaps she was afraid I might get turned off with her looks.  She always said she has put on some weight and all of that stuff you know. I gave her my words that how I feel towards her will not change no matter how she looks like now.

I ended up driving one and a half hour to Seremban from where I was just to meet the love of my life, my Nur Kasih. She felt so bad for making me drive that far. I supposed she knows how much she means to me when I am willing to drive that far and that long simply to meet her. There was this saying, treasure those who would drive for hours just to meet you. I am doing it for her and I swear I had no regrets.

I wazed myself to her car’s service center and I picked her up. She got into my car and sat next to me without looking at me. I knew she was shy and I was shy too. She greeted me with “Assalamualaikum”, offered to shake my hand and when I gave her my hand she took it and kiss it. She reminded me of the times we were together 15 years ago. That was what she did every time we met. It made me think of our past and I wish, I wish my dream to grow old with her would come true. Being with her made me realized that it does not matter who made me cry, what matters most is who makes me laugh after that. She makes me laugh, she brings back joy and happiness to my life and that is why I love her. There are days when you need someone who just wants to be your sunshine and not the air you breathe, right Diary? I am grateful to her who makes me happy. She is the charming gardener who makes my soul blossom.

I continued driving for a few meters and I stopped by the side of the road. I looked at her and I felt that love is in the air. I took her hand and hold it. I held her hand tightly. My heart feels the excitement the moment I held her hand and I knew that I was not wrong in believing that she is my Nur Kasih. Without a single thought, two hands collide and the world finally makes sense again. I pray silently in my heart for Allah to grant this woman good health and wealth so that I would have a thousand more years to spend time with her and having her as the woman I am so much in love with because a partner is someone who makes you more than you are, simply by being by your side. I felt it shelter to speak to her. Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down, I supposed she is that someone who would take the bus with me and that is why I love her.

PS: Terima kasih. Faj sayang Ein sekali….

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