I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, April 9, 2018

Hiking and Meeting Nur Kasih

Dear Diary,

My preparation for Mount Rinjani is almost done. I am still waiting for 1 item I bought online to be delivered.  Other than that, all is good. I have repacked my stuff and put the clothes into the compression bag. I have more space now. I have not put in my hiking shoes. I am just a bit wary to do it way too early to avoid any more mishaps. I need to bring back my shoe bag in Tangkak to Singapore. I will put my shoes in them and pack them on the last day before I leave Singapore. What happened to my Lowa boots left a deep impact on me that I got even more scared of packing shoes.

You know I already have this existing fear. There were a couple of times this had happened to me and now this. I am so careful now about shoes that it makes me feel that I am a paranoid or something. I am a bit disappointed that I cannot wear the boots to Rinjani but I consoled myself. At least it happened here, at home instead of there. I cannot imagine if it were to happen there. Oh dear, Allah loves and cares about me. I am thankful somehow, glad that I was left with ample time to come up with another plan for the shoes.

I am going hiking this weekend Diary. It will be with Core again and I am excited. I am excited about the hike and I am also excited because I will be meeting Nur Kasih a day after the hike. I will check in at my regular hotel to spend the night there and I will meet her on Monday.  I am not sure what time we will meet but I will meet her. I bought some biscuits and chocolates for her or maybe for her children. We have a chain of shops in Singapore that sell things at dirt cheap prices. Honestly, I did not need any of those snacks but I bought them anyway because they are cheap. It is probably impulse shopping, yeah I know. I bought some for Nad, Sarah and also Nur Kasih.

Oh Diary, I have yet to buy my return ticket to Singapore from Lombok. I have not decided yet if I want to extend my stay in Lombok. I will be alone then. I have to decide soon because coming into Indonesia needs me to show them my return ticket otherwise I will have to fly back to Singapore immediately. I have to buy it today. I think I am going to go online and buy it now, right now. I cannot waste any more time. I also need to arrange for Supir in Bali. Oh God, can you believe that I have not come up with itinerary yet for Bali? Geezz…what is happening to me? Got to do it today Diary. Oh, but I need to play with my camera. Oh no…

I will write again Diary. You take care.

PS: Rindu itu sayang dan cinta aku padamu teguh

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