I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Parts and Parcels of Me

Dear Diary,

I have gotten my last item which I bought online. It is for my camera and it is a great disappointment. It does not fit and I think I am going to sell it away. I have listed a few items for sale on Carousell and this will be my latest item. I am contemplating to sell my Samsung camera together with the lens. I am not sure if people would buy. Samsung has stopped producing cameras I supposed. I am kind of feeling regret buying Samsung, the picture quality is not that great. It is no wonder professional photographers opt out Samsung as their first choice, in fact, it is not even an option for them.

Samsung is never a popular brand for cameras anyway. I bought Samsung on impulse because at that time, I was using Samsung handphone and I wanted a camera which has Wifi capability. Samsung has it and I agreed to that brand to be uniformed with my mobile phone but I supposed it was a bad decision. I will put them up on sale soon and wait for any offers. I think I will start with $800 with the camera body and 4 lenses. I hope people will buy.

Now that I use Canon, I appreciate known brands and also naturally good quality pictures without any editing. I am happy with Canon now and I am looking at a longer telephoto lens. My current one is Tamron 18-200. I am looking for 16-300 or perhaps a 16-400. We will see. I am also thinking of signing up for photography classes. I want to learn how to take pictures manually. I want to be able to know how to use the full functions of my camera. I am going to wait until I come back from Indonesia and I will decide.

I still have not bought my return flight ticket. I am still waiting for price reduced. I have a rough idea of how much it would cost and I will keep a lookout for it. I have bought travel insurance for myself for the entire trip. It covers a lot and at least now I feel safe to travel. The stay at Mataram has been extended to 7th of May so it looks like I will be going home to Singapore on the 7th. I will be starting Grab after that. Having three sources of income is exciting to me. I call myself the super freelancer. I suppose earning this way makes me a happy woman. I am in control of my own schedule so this is fun, really.

Ever since I came back to Singapore to work. Working on my own is my ultimate dream and yes, I have achieved it. It will take some time to be stable but I am thankful I have enough.  I have lost 4kg in total. I work out regularly and I hike monthly. I hope I am fine for the hike for Rinjani, as well as Nad and Sarah and Lynn. Lynn told me she has been working out in the gym. Well, I pray we all will reach the summit no matter how long we will take. It is not easy. There are people who never make it to the top. I have heard that the last two hundred meters will be the most challenging and difficult.

I am going to Tangkak tomorrow with mom. I will be hiking on Sunday but will leave home on Saturday. I will pick up one of the teammates in Melaka and then to Bangi and to USJ to meet Nad to pass her things. Then I will be driving to the meeting point to meet the rest of the team. Nur Kasih and I are not meeting. We had to cancel the plan as she has an event on the 16th. I feel disappointed, kind of sad but I am trying not to let it overcome my emotions. No matter how hard I tried, there was a little discrepancy. As usual, I said something, wrote something and I guess she became upset. I am letting things cool down for a while; the cooling off period people say. I am afraid if I talk too much or write too much, it may make things worse. We are quiet with each other today. I am not sure how long it will last. We all know that sticks and stones are hard on bones. If you speak with an angry heart, your words can sting like anything. But silence…silence really breaks the heart.

Oh well, never mind Diary. Little fights, arguments and misunderstanding are all parts and parcels of a relationship, aren’t they? What is most important, we don’t run away from them, we fix them. If we do not know how to fix them, we learn how to fix them. Being different does not make us incompatible. A lovers' quarrel is always about every quarrel you ever had. 

PS: Diam itu maknanya rindu