I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

the love bug is really hitting me

Dear diary,
Infinity came over my house for lunch on Saturday. I cooked chicken curry, mashed fried potatoes with chicken meat and vegetables. I was happy with her visit and I tried my best to make her feel comfortable. I really wanted to make her feel comfortable at my home especially around me. I cleaned the house the morning I woke up and I went to Jusco to buy groceries. I was excited at the thought that she is coming but I am also so afraid that she might not be comfortable.
She came on time and I showed her the directions to my unit. Surprisingly, I just gave her my address and she managed to find her way without getting lost. She called me and told me she was downstairs beside my car and I thought she was joking cos she likes to tease and joke with me. I looked out the window and yes, she was there beside my car. I laughed at myself for thinking that she was lying. I really wasn’t prepared at that time but how I was glad that I had taken my shower earlier. She knocked on my door and I opened the door with a wide smile. I tried to pretend to be calm and collected but only God knows how I was feeling at that time.
Looking at her standing infront of me gave me the sense of warmth and belonging. I could feel that my heart was jumping and how I became so happy that I have found her.We ate lunch and we hung out at my home. We watched DVD, talked and chatted. I became more comfortable with her but I can never erase the feeling of being shy with her. I have always been shy with her regardless of the number of times we have met. I guess that is something I cannot avoid because she is very special to me. Have you ever felt that way diary? I guess I have fallen in love with her but have not let her known about it officially and thus I always get shy with her. I am not awakward with her but whenever she looks at me or if I feel that she is staring me, I get very uncomfortable and extremely shy till I wish I could do what every tortoise do; hide his head in his shell.
Infinity slept awhile after lunch infront of the tv and all I could afford to do was to look at her sleeping. She looks so pretty and peaceful when she sleeps. She was like an angel from the sky that you can just keep on looking at because when you look at her you knew that you can never get sick and tired of her. You knew that she is the woman you want to love and you knew she is the woman that you can never get enough of. We cuddled each other but I was sure we didn’t get far. I don’t know diary, I am so afraid to hurt her or to do anything that scares her off. I am very careful with her because I honestly do not want to upset her by any chance. If I could do a miracle, I would make her happy everyday. That is my very wish this moment.

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