I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happily Married To Her

Dear Diary,
It has really been a long time since I last wrote. I have been busy with life or perhaps I have been busy with marriage. Well, the thing is, Infinity and I are married!! Can you believe that? The last time I told you about her was when the time I was courting her and now, I am married to her. It has been four months now and I am living happily with her under one roof.
Yes diary, I am living with her. I have moved out of my old home to a new one with her. It’s great and I am happy. I have never felt this way before. There are so many stories behind that but I have been away from you for too long to remember all the details and so I shall tell you only the latest happenings in my relationship with her. Oh my, before I begin even further, I have already forgotten the date I am married to her. I think I am getting weaker in the brain to remember dates and events vividly. All I do right now with my brain is to dream and imagine. That’s what I am really good at nowadays. I hardly use my brain for memorising and remembering. It worries me, really. I do not know how to answer questions during examinations anymore.
Am I going crazy diary? Is something wrong with me? I am getting too much already now. I am lazy at almost anything and everything. I don’t revise my studies anymore. I don’t write to you anymore and in fact all I do nowadays is to dream and living my comfortable life under one roof with Infinity. She’s pampering me you know. She’s just so loving and caring that I could demand anything from her, but I didn’t and I won’t. Infinity is the woman I believe I will grow old with. We are married and it is official between us. You know how I feel towards all these don’t you diary? But when I am with infinity, nothing is impossible and nothing is illogical to me. That’s what infinity is capable of doing, she can make me sacrifice my principles and beliefs. Perhaps it is love that is responsible for my change in principles and beliefs or perhaps I just want a change. I do not know but I know I am doing it for love.
We exchanged rings on the night we got married and we exchanged vows. You know what, I am laughing at myself now for telling you all these. It is funny but I was happy when I did it and I still am. It is just that, out of those many girls I have made my partner, I only feel this special with one woman and she is infinity. Never before have I felt like this towards any of those girls. I have become very commited and responsible towards the relationship and I know it is all because of love that truly comes from the heart.