I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Is She Not Going To Text Me Anymore...?

Dear diary,
I am missing infinity so much that only god can understand how. She has stopped texing me for one day now and it feels like it has been a year. It is funny how I often feel weird or mildly disgusted when I heard people use that expression and now I am using that for myself. I do miss her so much diary and I only have you to tell. I cannot tell my family as they will be suspicious and that is the last thing I want to do.
This feeling is torturing me and I am not sure if I can look at infinity in the eye once I am back to kl. I really do not know how it is going to be with us now. She thinks I am getting sick and tired of her while I feel nothing at all like that towards her.

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