I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thank You For Hearing Me...!

Dear Diary,
How has it been going for you? I hope you are well and in the pink of health. In case you are wondering, I am fine and alive. Things are better than before on my side and I have so much to tell you. I just hope you are willing to listen to me and read my thought attentively. I know that I have skipped apologising to you this time but believe me diary, I think if I were to practice that, I will have to do it everytime I wrote to you and it can be boring. You know how often I write to you nowadays don’t you? With that kind of frequency, I am sure I have to make apologising to you a must.

Let us just forget about the apologising part shall we? Let us begin without apologising and go straight to the point. Please do not tell me it is too much to ask for. Like I said earlier, things have never been better for me and I am actually enjoying every moment of it. Do you remember my birthday wish recently? Do you know that my wish has been granted? Yes diary, I got what I have wished for. It may not be big but I know this will be the stepping-stone before I move on to bigger things. I am running my own drink stall now and I am so proud of it.

I have never planned this and it was all a coincident. I think He heard my prayers and grant me my wish after considering my good deeds even though I know deep down I have more bad deeds than good deeds. I know I have not been a good Muslim but this is where the phrase God is great and God is fair applied. I have always believed in him without any doubts and I still do. It all started with infinity, as she asked if I were interested to be a shareholder of a stall in a food court. I was looking for home based jobs actively and more often than usual, I was duped. Although I did not voice to her my frustrations and disappointments, she knew deep inside what I felt. I was skeptical about investing in the stall because believe me it was so sudden and it was really a bit of a rush. I remember it was on Thursday and if we agreed to take up the stall, we were suppose to start the operation on the following Monday.

I followed infinity to the food court to view the stall. It was allright but still I was skeptical. I did not obliged to infinity’s request instead I let her be the main shareholder while I just gave her moral support. She got the stall and began operating on Monday with her brother running the stall. The first day was a mess without proper preparations and the following day, infinity and I decided to give the stall helping hands. I knew I was not obligated to help but I wanted to show infinity that I care about her interest and that is why I came. It was terrible, horrible and almost reaching to a stage where you can call it unbelievable. I was ashamed actually having to take care of a stall, which obviously shows signs that the owner did not have an inkling of an idea on how to run a food stall. It was very apparent and I just wished I could do something about it. After the peak periods, I sat down with infinity and her brother to do a post mortem. I told them what they should do with the stall, what the stall should have and what it should not have.

I told them to have shelves for the glasses and stocks so the stall will not be messy. I told them that they must have a big water pot with dispenser because with that kind of water dispenser, customer’s waiting time will be cut short. In that food court, to eliminate customer’s waiting time is crucial because the crowd comes at once. It has this school canteen concept where you are most busy during breakfast and lunch. It is during that peak periods that you have to be fast and efficient giving quick service. With old- fashioned equipments and inefficient staffs with no sense of urgency at all, how can the stall reach a standard where its service is satisfactory to the customers?
At that point of time, I was telling myself if only I had taken up infinity’s offer to become a shareholder, I would turn the stall into the stall of the century. I just realised I have so much ideas and knowledge. It just hit me then that this could be the reason why I was destined to work part time at cafes, restaurants and fast food outlets when I was a teenager. Perhaps God has planned all this for me and I guess this is the time where I must show the tallents I have inside me.

Infinity offered me again and knowing that perhaps this offer could be the answer to my prayers, without a doubt I took her offer and I have been put in charge of the stall’s daily operation. In other words, I have the most say on the stall’s day to day activities and I can see that the other shareholders are happy with my performance and that makes me feel very proud. Infinity often thank me for making the stall into what it is now. I smiled and I told her, we did it together, we turned the stall from nothing into something. Deep down inside, I thank God for making my dreams come true. I need something like this and He hears my prayer. Infinity happens to be the channel he sent my wish and this enforces what I have always believe that is, there is always a reason for something to happen.

After three months of running the stall, infinity and I are looking forward to expand our business. We look forward to open up a cafĂ© restaurant in a year’s time and I have promised myself that I will bring to life our fantasies come what may for the benefits of my family especially my parents.

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