I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I Hope To Cross The Mountain

Dear Diary,

The training was boring and I was uncomfortable there. I felt very different from the previous bank I was with. This bank is more strict and stringent with their rules and regulations. All the other trainees were much younger than I am and somehow I felt left out. I had been warned about this and I absolutely understand. There will be tests and quizzes after every topic covered and we have to score at least eighty percent to pass. We are only allowed to re-sit once and if we fail again, our contracts with the bank might have to be reviewed. 

The other trainees are mostly men and there were only two other woman including myself. The other female trainee is a 20 year old woman who wore like as if she was going to the club. I did not pay much attention to the rest. All I wanted was the training to be over as soon as possible. I cannot wait to go out to the field to make sales and bring home a handsome salary. Jason, who sat beside me, yawned non- stop and I couldn’t help but to chuckle at his natural ways. Diva Devil, the 20 year old woman trainee was given a brief comment by the trainer not to wear such dresses again as it is too revealing. I just sat there and listened while observing the environment.

I am not sure what I feel about this. I have not got myself comfortable yet I guess. I simply want to make money, lots of it and I know I have to ignore other unpleasant distractions that I might have here. I do not have to mind about the working colleagues I will have, it will just be the bank and me. That is all that matters. I miss Hello Kitty as she accompanied me for the interview. Somehow, I miss her familiar face in this new environment. I felt safe when she accompanied me and I wish she would be here but she is not. I assume I have to brave myself for this whole new and totally different atmosphere. Wish me all the good things and pray for my perseverance to be strong as nobody trips over mountains.  It is the small pebble that has been causing me to stumble.  I want to pass all the pebbles in my path and I will find that I have crossed the mountain. 

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