I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, February 17, 2012

Hidupkan Mimpi Itu

Hello Diary,

Sudah sekian lama aku tidak menulis dalam bahasa Melayu. Rindu. Itu lah satu satunya descriptions yang boleh aku rasakan pada kau dan seluruh orang orang yang pernah atau masih aku sayangi. Rindu sekali pada keadaan hidup dahuluku di Subang Jaya. Ya, aku masih tidak boleh get over the fact that I have moved back to Singapore. Oh maafkan aku ya, terlupa sekejap yang aku sedang berbicara dalam Bahasa Melayu pada kau. Kadang kadang, boleh dikatakan aku hayal hingga lupa pada objective utama. 

Sedih. Ya sedih aku dengan keadaan diri. Sudah sekian lama tapi masih lagi ada harapan untuk kembali ke Subang Jaya tempat yang pernah membuat aku rasa gembira sekali. Walaupun tidak kaya, tapi kehidupan aku masa itu cukup untuk membahagiakan aku. Dengan kawan kawan yang aku sayangi, aku amat gembira berada di sana walaupun berjauhan dari keluarga. Hidup aku kini selepas 2 tahun kembali masih lagi dibayangi oleh pengalaman pahit dan manis aku di sana. Sudah berapa kali bertukar perkerjaan kerana aku hanya berkerja sebab aku tahu aku mesti berkerja. Tidak pernah aku berkerja dan berasa happy dengan perkerjaan itu. 

Usah ditanya berapa kerja yang sudah aku ada atau berapa interviews yang sudah aku pergi. Banyak sekali pengalaman interviews yang aku kumpul hingga aku rasa aku boleh meneka apa yang akan ditanya oleh interviewers interviewers itu. Banyak sekali pengalaman aku sehingga aku sudah berasa mual dan jelak dengan routine mencari kerja. Aku begitu ghairah mencari kerja dahulu ketika baru pulang ke Singapura tetapi keadaan sudah berubah bagi diriku. Menyampah, malas dan sudah tidak ada semangat untuk menjalani routine itu semula kerana aku tahu aku tidak pernah ada hati yang penuh untuk melakukan kerja itu bersungguh sungguh. Aku hanya berkerja dengan harapan aku boleh mengumpul duit dengan secepat mungkin atau sebanyak yang mungkin dalam masa yang singkat supaya aku boleh membuka business aku sendiri dan secara tidak langsung aku boleh menjejakkan kaki ke Subang Jaya lagi. 

Diary, kalau engkau tahu sejujur jujurnya, aku memang tidak pernah berhasrat membuat perkerjaan yang pernah aku ada di sini sebagai career. Begitu lantang aku berbicara di dalam interiew sehingga aku senang mendapat perkerjaan. Ada kalanya aku berpendapat kalaulah ada pertandingan best interrviewee, memang sudah lama aku mengangkat trophy kemenangan. Tapi sebenarnya aku hanya menipu diri sendiri. Oh, I am not merely looking for a job but I am looking for a job which I hope to turn it into my career. Itulah ayat aku yang selalu aku gunakan untuk memancing interviewer untuk memilih aku. Bila diberi peluang itu, aku hanya boleh bertahan dalam 3 hingga 6 bulan sahaja. 

Penipu. Itulah aku Diary. Tetapi, aku rasa bukan aku seorang sahaja yang buat begitu. Inilah dunia dan selamat datang ke dunia aku ucapkan pada semua. Siapa sahaja yang tidak pernah menipu di dalam interview? Bohong sekali kalau tidak ada langsung di antara kita yang menipu. Itulah hakikatnya bahawa kita harus score dalam interview untuk memiliki kerja itu. Cuba bayangkan senario ini Diary, jikalau aku berterus terang dengan interviewer bahawa aku memilih untuk memohon kerja itu kerana aku harus berkerja untuk menyara diriku kerana diriku ini mempunyai keperluan asas yang harus aku jaga. Ini adalah soal makan dan minum dan soal aku ingin mencapai cita cita aku sebab aku ingin mencari wang yang banyak untuk membolehkan aku membuka sendiri kedai makanku yang sudah lama aku impikan. 

Kebenaranya, aku tidak pernah mahu membuat perkerjaan ini sebagai career aku sebab aku mempunyai agenda aku sendiri. Berkerja untuk setahun atau setahun setengah sehingga duit dan criteria aku mencukupi untuk mempunyai business sendiri. Yaaa....itulah dia jawapan aku.

Adakah kau rasa aku akan diambil kerja sedangkan aku memang tiada minat atau passion langsung untuk melakukan tugas itu. Semestinya interviewer mahukan seorang yang boleh berkerja lama di dalam syarikat itu. Sebab, high percentage of staffs turnover tidak begitu menguntungkan syarikat. 

Memang dari aku kecil, kalau bermain sendirian atau dengan abang abangku, aku akan memainkan peranan sebagai seorang penjaja makanan. Kertas akan aku gunting mengikut ukuran wang kertas untuk aku teruskan imaginasi aku bahawa kertas itu adalah wang. Products jualan aku ketika itu selalunya makanan seperti mee rebus, mee siam, lontong, mee soto dan macam macam lagi makanan. Itulah permainan aku ketika kecil dan sumpah aku tidak pernah bosan dengan permainan itu. Memang aku bercita cita untuk menjadi bos dari kecil. Suka sekali aku pada idea untuk menjadi nadi dalam syarikat milik aku sendiri. 

Penat. Aku penat Diary. Aku penat untuk bermimpi lagi. Banyak kesilapan yang aku buat di dalam hidupku yang jikalau aku meneliti keadannya, aku sebenarnya hanya membuang masa dengan berhayal dan bermimpi. Marah sungguh aku dengan diriku. Marah yang tidak pernah aku boleh tunjukkan. Mungkin juga aku sudah mula berputus asa dengan harapan, mimpi dan hayalan yang pernah aku agung agungkan. Tetapi, pernah aku mendengar bahwa mimpi adalah kunci untuk kita menakluki dunia. Mimpi yang bagaimana rupanya Diary? 

Aku tahu hidup tidak selalu adil tetapi kita boleh mengubah keadaan jika kita mahu. Ya, aku masih punyai mimpi dan cita cita cuma aku tahu ia akan mengambil masa untuk mencapainya. Tiada mimpi yang mustahil untuk kita. Sampai ke bulan sudah manusia jelajah inikan pula untuk mempunyai kedai makan sendiri. Aku hanya perlu akur dan tunduk dengan keadaan bahawa walaupun aku tidak suka atau tidak ada passion melakukan kerja yang aku buat, aku harus menghabiskannya sehingga aku capai criteria aku untuk membuka kedai makanku sendiri. Itulah dia theory yang simple dan mudah sangat difahami yang aku ambil 2 tahun untuk memahami semenjak pulang ke Singapura. 

Bodoh. Mungkin juga tapi jangan salahkan aku Diary. Saudaraku pernah memberikan pendapatnya terhadap aku. Dia bilang, aku ini adalah late bloomer. Ya mungkin juga. A very ambitious and a strong headed woman but very impatient yang selalu lambat sedar tentang keadaan. Diary, aku masih punyai nilai. Aku tahu walau berkali kali aku tersungkur dan terjatuh, aku tahu nilai diriku masih sama dengan manusia lain. Yang membezakan aku sama dia hanyalah seteguh mana iman dan amal kami. Bersabarlah wahai diriku sayang, biarpun lambat perjalanan aku, asalkan aku jangan berhenti sampailah aku di sana nanti. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Get That Fighting Spirit Back

Dear Diary,

I wonder if you find it hard to breate sometimes because I do. Everytime when that happens, I feel like there is something heavy on my chest making it harder for me to inhale and exhale. I am not sure why but that happens to me always. I can inhale but the inhalation does not seem to suffice. Nevertheless, I am still breathing and I suppose I still have that to be thankful. 

I have been rude to Hello Kitty again and I know it has taken its toll on her so she shot back at me this time. I let it be because I thought I ought to have it. If you ask if I deserved Singapore capital punishment for doing that, I would say yes. Time and again, I find it hard to control my temper and often I snapped at her for the slightest and silliest mistake I thought she did. I feel lousy nowadays losing the spirit to live and to reach for my dreams. Shit happens and I let it got the better of me. 

Occassionally, I would think that I do not deserve any love from another human being given my attitude like that. I do not appreciate the people who love me and always take them for granted. I supposed that is really who I am. I know I have not been good to the people surrounding me and I have no excuses for that. Honestly, I really think I should be alone so I will stop hurting people or make them cry. I have broken too many hearts I have lost count already. I am trying to be a better person, I have tried and I think I tried too hard until I feel so helpless. 

How are you Diary? I hope you are not sick of my stories that are lace with miseries and depression. I am not sure of what is going on with me. Yes, I have felt that I have had enough of these dreams that I have had. It has always been these dreams that keep me going but I am beginning to lose hope and faith. I am starting to weaken on the inside and somehow lose my fighting spirit. I do not even know the answers to simple questions anymore.

I need to find myself back Diary. I need to do it quick. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

I Cannot Cope Anymore...

Dear Diary,

I do not know how to begin. I feel so angry with myself, perhaps a little disappointed. I believe I have made a wrong decision again. Time after time, I have taught myself to get over it and I thought I did but I did not. It is just so difficult for me. I know what I want but I simply do not have the strength to go on. I am so tired most of the times. To be honest, to tell you the degree of disappointments I have to myself, it is like taking a dagger and stabs it into my heart repeatedly. That is how I feel right now.

Perhaps that is not enough, I could do with banging my head onto the wall until I break my skull so that the broken skull would pierce into my brain. I am so angry now and I do not know how to let go. I cannot talk about this frankly to anybody because I know people will just get sick and tired. Who wants to hear sad stories? All everyone is interested in is happy stories. I do not know how many times I have sighed for today and I know it is not a good thing to be doing. I know I am angry but I do not have the channel to let go. 

I have only you. I have been keeping to myself lately. I am too ashamed to let you know. You have been there for me, I know but I have not been likewise. What the fuck am I doing now Diary? I should not have made that fucking decision but I did and now I have myself into trouble. All my life this is what I have been facing. All troubles but nothing. I fucking hate myself now. All the talks and all the efforts, they have just gone to waste. I fucking hate this so much!  I hate everybody and I hate myself. Fuck fuck fuck!

I am so screwed now Diary. I really feel like giving up now. I do not know how to tell you anymore. I do not pray anymore. I am so angry about everything. I know I should not be feeling this way but I cannot help it. I have lost all hope and faith. I am tired, I really am. I am stressed and my brain simply cannot take it anymore. I have tried to do my best and stay optimistic but I failed again. How many failures do I have to have in my life? I can only take so much. 

You will not know Diary. When your desire is stronger than your capability, it can make you insane slowly. I know I used to be the one-woman crusader. I was almost invincible. Nothing can hurt me and I do not regret anything. However, I have lost that spirit. It is the age maybe but I know I do not have it anymore. I wish I could have it back in me so I can shield myself from any disappointments or stress. No one will understand me. Sometimes, it hit me. I know now why did I have had so many girlfriends before. That explains why I have had so many jobs before. When I have it, I never feel contented. All I want is more without being thankful for what I already have. 

I am fucking jobless now for a month and I have not gotten any offers yet. I have sent enough resumes but this time it seems harder to even get an interview appointment. I did not stay long in that dream job of mine because I hated my fucking manager so much. I hated everything about her and how she handled me. Perhaps my ego was too big for me to handle than her. Either way, I knew I would not last a month in that job. Things did not go my way Diary. I have this desire to come back to Subang Jaya but my heart just could not wait. I knew I have to wait and be patient about it but I cannot. I know it is I that I have to deal with. The problems have always been me. I have never been part of the solution instead; I have always been a part of the problems. 

I am so sorry for myself. I tried to talk about this to people, but I know it will defeat the purpose. What can they do Diary? Even Hello Kitty seemed to be too occupied to console me. She made me promise not to change my job when I finally got myself a new job. I am not sure when will that be. It does not look good on my side. I have decided not to talk about it to her anymore. I guess there are some things that I simply have to keep them reserved. 

I wonder what is it about me that makes her stay. Looking back at how I have treated her, everybody would agree that I am not girlfriend material. I am not worth it. I know that and I am assuming she knows that too. There are too many miseries and failures in my life. I have failed school, I have failed in business, I have failed in investments, I have failed in my career and I have failed in so many relationships. I am 35 this year and I do not know where I am going. I have failed my parents, I have failed myself, I have failed so many people who have loved me once and I probably have failed Him. Perhaps I am just born to be a failure. I am beginning to believe that. I am blunt spontaneously sometimes which people can mistake that as rude. Rolly Polly would agree with that. Even Traveller, Manhattan, Pumpkin, Dark Chocolate, Gummy Bear, Hippo, Flying Waitress, Pontianak, Broken Angel, Minah Rempit, BabyDee, Vogue, Little Sister, Infinity, Hello Kitty and perhaps Beautiful would agree too. I am not sure of Flying Babe, I do not know what she thinks of me now. I wish I knew but I do not. But really, it does not matter anymore now does it? It does not make a difference. I am nobody to anybody now. A dreamer will not change just like how a leopard cannot change its spots. 

It saddened me to be talking like this about myself. Believe me Diary, if I could stay stronger I wouldn’t talk like this. I have to admit defeat this time. It was never easy for me to come back here. You know where my heart belongs. You know what my desires are. You know who I love. You know what I want to do. No one, no one knows me best but you. I was forced to come back and what do you expect me to feel Diary? I was not ready to come back, honest to God. It was always there that I want to be. Everybody knows that. I was all alone, even if I had friends, I still had to rely on myself.  I am struggling then and I am still struggling now. I have failed so many times that I am beginning to feel so worthless. It is not easy for me. It has never been easy. Nobody would have understand, even how best I tried to explain. Therefore, it is not really worth the try of telling and explaining.   

I do not know how I feel now but I still know what I want. People may have done their judgements on me or perhaps I have done the judgement on myself but I am still breathing Diary. I am still breathing and deep inside me, I know when I own my breath, nobody can steal my peace. I will learn how to smile once again, breathe with contentment and go slowly. What matters most is I never stop.