I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Go Away...

Dear Diary,

Things have got a little out of hand lately. I am hanging on with situations. I do not really care anymore. I have learnt so many things from experiences. Experiences are indeed teacher of the fools. People can only talk so much to defend themselves. They get defensive and become all so emotional about it. 

People come and go in our lives. They come to our lives when we need them the most and when it is time for them to leave, they will leave whatever their reasons may be. We must not stop them because their role in our life stories has come to an end. They come for a reason and they leave for a reason too. We move on and forward to get on with our lives. One thing I have learnt, nobody is really here to stay in your life forever. I have to deal with it. This is the real world.

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