I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Lost Cable Is Found

Dear Diary,

I did not use my polaroid wide angle camera at all while I was in the middle East. I really thought that it was broken. I told you that I got a replacement didn't I? Well guess what? While I was charging the camera, I also did not realise that I switched it on and so it was charging and at the same time it was also recording until I had used up all the memory available in the SD card. 

As I wanted to use it I could not get it to work. It was vibrating all the time. I did not realise that it was the signal that the memory was full and the SD card should be replaced. If I had known, I would have done it but it did not occur to me that it was the memory card and not the camera. I gave up and I left the camera alone. I was proud of myself because at least I did not throw the camera against the wall. You know how my temper can get right? 

After the trip, when I unpacked, I realised that the cable charger was with me all along. After my Gunung Datuk trip I actually put the cable charger in my tripod bag. My tripod was with me but I did not use it at all thus I did not open it. Silly was I not? I was pissed. I was dissapointed with myself. How can I not use the wide angle camera when I travel. I felt so dumb. The dumb is getting dumber isn't it Diary?

My New Job

Dear Diary,

I have gotten myself a new job in a logistic MNC. It has been 2 weeks now since I started and I have mixed feelings about it. I like my job scopes but there are just too many paperwork for me to do. Learning paperwork is not something I hate but I hate learning paperwork from someone who expects me to remember after the first time she teaches me. 

We got to be pragmatic and reasonable. The speed that she was going was fast and how in the world can I grasp what I had been taught? Everything was new to me and I have no logistic background. I have had a couple of years working with Fedex and Schenker but the experiences I had there were totally different than what I am doing now. Give me a break for goodness sake!! 

I am trying my best and I am coping with all the workflows that I have to do. I am beginning to understand the reasons why I have to do this before I do that. It is all becoming clearer to me. I suppose it is easier to do things with understanding. 

I felt so lost in the first week doing things blindly just following instructions. I did not know what I was doing and the purpose of it all. The second week was a little better as I began to comprehend things better. I am still not fast like the seniors but I know I can overcome this hurdle. I hope to do more orders so I can be good at my paperwork. The only way for me to be good is to do more. Practice makes perfect isn't it?

Saturday, April 11, 2015

I Have Grown Fatter

Dear Diary,

I went for my medical check up today. It is a requirement for my new job. I had to weigh myself and guess what? I had put on weight. I knew I had that coming as I have difficulty squeezing myself into my skinny jeans and working pants. Let me see, I have not been working for almost 3 months. I had been an odd job labourer working like a student on school holidays earning measley salary that is barely enough to pay for my car. But I am happy you know. if I am not, I would not have put on weight. That makes sense doesn’t it?

My first day of work was on the 6th of April. I was scared to start work. I don’t know why. It is probably because I had been resting too much at home. Cable TV was my bestfriend and the internet was the alternative. I did not write much to you Diary although I had all the time in the world. I went for 3 weeks vacation to Middle East and had good food there. At home, I took 3 meals a day and how would I not gain weight with that kind of lifestyle. I did not go for jogging and I took the lift up to my level 3 apartment instead of taking the stairs. Really, this cannot go on. And I supposed the reason why I got scared is because I knew I do not have the privilege to have that lifestyle anymore once I started this new job. 

I swear I am going to lose it. Watch me Diary.