I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Lost Cable Is Found

Dear Diary,

I did not use my polaroid wide angle camera at all while I was in the middle East. I really thought that it was broken. I told you that I got a replacement didn't I? Well guess what? While I was charging the camera, I also did not realise that I switched it on and so it was charging and at the same time it was also recording until I had used up all the memory available in the SD card. 

As I wanted to use it I could not get it to work. It was vibrating all the time. I did not realise that it was the signal that the memory was full and the SD card should be replaced. If I had known, I would have done it but it did not occur to me that it was the memory card and not the camera. I gave up and I left the camera alone. I was proud of myself because at least I did not throw the camera against the wall. You know how my temper can get right? 

After the trip, when I unpacked, I realised that the cable charger was with me all along. After my Gunung Datuk trip I actually put the cable charger in my tripod bag. My tripod was with me but I did not use it at all thus I did not open it. Silly was I not? I was pissed. I was dissapointed with myself. How can I not use the wide angle camera when I travel. I felt so dumb. The dumb is getting dumber isn't it Diary?

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