I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

He Listens To My Prayers

Dear Diary,

Eversince I tendered my resignation, I became worry that I will not have any other job opportunities anymore. I was thinking that Allah is probably upset with me for not being grateful for what he had given me. I am ashamed of myself. At times I am angry. Why do I have to be like that? Why can’t I simply be thankful and stop being so easily affected by my surroundings. Why do I have to give up easily?

I regretted my action. I wish I had not tendered. I wish I held on a little longer. I wish I had been a little more patient. But I believe everything happened for reasons that we do not know. There must be reasons why I did what I did. So, I began to believe in qada and qadar and I prayed to Him for a chance. I asked him, if my rezeki is still with my old company, then give me one more chance but if my rezeki belongs somewhere else, make it be better than this one. I never failed to pray to him and ask him for that one thing. I only have Him and I know he listens to my prayers. I let him know of my thoughts and my concern. I gave Him 100% of my attention when I prayed. 

I have an interview tomorrow with the agency and an interview with the hiring company on Friday. I hope things will turn out well. I still hope that the old company will call me back to work but I accept whatever happens because I know I have sent Him my message. If I am not meant to work there anymore, please let me have something better because He knows what is best for me. I took the chance to seek help from Him in this holy month of Ramadan. He hears me and I know he listens too.

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