I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, July 29, 2019

Still Not Getting Through The Pain

Dear Diary,

I wanted to believe that I am ok but deep down inside I know I am not. I have not been working regularly. I stayed up late into the nights wasting my time surfing the internet, watching NetFlix and God knows what. Sometimes, I cry out of sudden. I cry in the shower, I cry while I drive, I cry while I am trying to sleep and I cry at almost all the things I was doing. There were times I was so afraid to fall asleep just to wake up to another day. Because I know waking up to another day means living another day of my life without a father.

I tried doing the things I like, I went travelling and hiking but they did not help to ease the pain. They did not help to forget the death of my father. I am not strong Diary. All these while, I thought I was strong but I was not. I was strong when I had both my parents. I probably need help. I have tried seeking help but I did not proceed with it. I did not have the courage. Sometimes even to live is an act of courage. It was times like these when I thought my father, who we have always known to be timid, was the bravest man who ever lived.

This pain, this pain I am feeling, it is unbearable. I don’t know who I can talk to. It is true that material wealth does not guarantee happiness. I am doing okay now you know. I have a car, a house and some savings now. They are nothing fancy but they are my accomplishments since I came back to Singapore. I am living alone now on my own and that makes it a little difficult. Coming home to an empty and quiet house is a misery. Even at my age, I am still a child that needs the presence of my parents more than their presents.

I miss my family. I miss my father. I think I am going to adopt a kitten soon. It probably will help. Tina has a kitten to give away. She is reserving it for me. If I have a pet at home, at least I know I have company at home. There are few things in life more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat, the presence of a cat... that seems to take the bite out of being alone.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Ayah.... Rindunya ati ngan ayah.... Tuhan aje yang tahu. Tak sangka ayah pergi cepat sangat. Tak sempat nak bebual lama lama ngan ayah. Ayah coma sampai meninggal. Ati tak dapat nak cerita ngan ayah. Ayah ati mintak maaf ayah.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Assalamualaikum ayah. Ati kat rumah ni. Ati singgah sembahyang zuhur sama asar. Sekarang ni ati kalau sembahyang selalu balik rumah abang sebab ati nak tengok mak. Ati kan dah pindah rumah. Masa ayah baru meninggal ati tak duduk rumah ati. Ati tidur rumah abang. Sekarang ni ati dah duduk rumah ati sendiri.

Ati ada belikan mak soup boonkeng. Kalau ayah masih ada mesti ayah suka. Kesian ayah....


Ayah... Ati rindu ngan ayah. Hari tu ati baca message chat kita kat wassap. Sebaknya hati ati. Ati tak tau nak buat apa ayah.... Tolong lah ayah. Napa ayah pergi cepat sangat. Ati stress ayah. Ati tak tau nak buat apa......

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thursday 14 Feb

Ayah, ati tgh pack barang nak pegi hiking. Ayah... Ati rindu ngan ayah. Hari ni ati tak keje. Ayah, nanti kita jumpa ok.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

About My Father

Dear Diary,

Dad died on 8th January 2019. His death caught all of us by surprise. I have never celebrated new year neither do I welcome it. But I have always been hopeful for good things to happen in my life everytime the world turns old by another year. It is quite ironic how it had to turn out this way. We were barely a week into 2019.

Half my soul is gone now and my heart is broken beyond repairs. I miss my dad and I am missing him still. There is not a day goes by that I do not think of him. All the messages, the photos and videos of him I have in my phone; I never read, watch or look at because I know they will break me. I cannot allow my heart to take another blow. It needs to heal.

At times, I feel so angry at God. He had taken my brother and I question why did he have to take my dad. But I have learnt that death waits for no one, it will come not a second too soon nor a second too late. Death does not wait to see if things are done or not done. It simply arrives when it is time. It is the final breath, the only thing certain for every man.

There I was watching the peaceful death of this man whom I have called Ayah. I felt something in my heart, it felt heavy, if I could describe it, it would be a ship sinking to the bottom of the sea. Perhaps it was heartbreak but it felt like every other part of my body was broken too. Looking at him reminds me of a falling star; one of a million lights in a vast sky that flares up for a brief moment only to disappear into the endless night forever.

He died in the morning. His last breath took his soul. His soul left his body as he exhaled, and then he had no more needs, no more reason; he was released from his body, and, being released, he continued his journey into the land of Barzakh.

I, barely breathing, with my thoughts far away, my heart aching, my mind racing. I went back to the day when my brother died where I have learnt that people do not die for us immediately instead they remain in existence in a sort of aura of life which has no relation to true immortality but through which they are present in our thoughts in the same way as when they were alive. You cannot erase them. They linger at every corner of the house. Things you do as a family will bring you back to the memories of them. They live on in the background. They may be gone but they are not really gone. 

And then I realised that I have one less dua of my parents. Ayah left, and my heart is a ceaseless sermon of loneliness. My heart is downcast with sorrow and pain that is so hard to bear. If I could turn my disbelief into actions, I would scream at the top of my lung to the whole world and cry out loud until I flood the world with my tears. What shall I do with all the time and hours living without him.

Faith has saved me. I taught myself the true meaning of Redha and how death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside me while I am alive. I reminisced the times he taught me how to perform the prayers. I pray that the clean trees will accept him, the clean earth cover him, that the flowers will accept him in beauty and the birds in rhythm. I pray that God will smile upon him when he come to Him purged of error and washed of the stain of life. I pray for God to grant me strength to be calm and collected for his funeral.

Sadness enveloped me but I am remembering the sound of his voice telling me to be happy, to live life full of might. I love my father as the star, shining brightly in my heart, happy and twinkling. I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.

If I cannot have any other man to love then let me love just my father for my love for him will not wither nor die. I had the life of the girl whose father is guide, exemplar, and friend. I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom. There were no official classes, he simply lived his life, I watched, observed and live my life with the values he passed down to me.

If his death is going to make me a better Muslim, I accept his death sincerely. We all know that a dying man needs to die just like a sleepy man needs to sleep. It is useless and even wrong to resist death. Hearts are broken everyday anyway. Some hearts are broken beyond fixing, some fixed and healed but all scars remain.

I am a broken woman now, confused like a lost kitten. I am grieving his death in silence and in ways that only I know would heal my battered soul. If I could trade my life for him to have a good health I would. His death has left such a great impact on me,  even greater than life itself. All the deaths in the family may have changed me but I know I start and end with the family. The family chain stretch a little but it will not break because family is one of nature's great masterpiece.

In my isolation, I reminisce at how when I was young he had always called me to sit with him while he made dua after his prayers. I would sit on his lap and he would held my hands up. I was quiet as a mouse listening to him. He prayed for his parents, for his siblings, for my mother and for his children. It was always the same dua I wondered if he ever will get sick of it. As I grew older, I began to understand the story behind every dua.

May God have mercy on me if I did not try hard enough to do more for him like how a daughter should. Forgive me for being so angry when he left, I am not angry anymore.
I have learnt how to let it go and I am learning how to do it again.

For all the stories of my life that I never get to tell him, for all the love I still have for him, for all the sorrow and guilt I keep inside and for all the memories I have about him. I pray to see him in Jannah. I pray that we will be reunited again as one family and he will always be my Ayah right here in my heart, forever he will be because he gave me forever and I always will be eternally grateful for that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Parts and Parcels of Me

Dear Diary,

I have gotten my last item which I bought online. It is for my camera and it is a great disappointment. It does not fit and I think I am going to sell it away. I have listed a few items for sale on Carousell and this will be my latest item. I am contemplating to sell my Samsung camera together with the lens. I am not sure if people would buy. Samsung has stopped producing cameras I supposed. I am kind of feeling regret buying Samsung, the picture quality is not that great. It is no wonder professional photographers opt out Samsung as their first choice, in fact, it is not even an option for them.

Samsung is never a popular brand for cameras anyway. I bought Samsung on impulse because at that time, I was using Samsung handphone and I wanted a camera which has Wifi capability. Samsung has it and I agreed to that brand to be uniformed with my mobile phone but I supposed it was a bad decision. I will put them up on sale soon and wait for any offers. I think I will start with $800 with the camera body and 4 lenses. I hope people will buy.

Now that I use Canon, I appreciate known brands and also naturally good quality pictures without any editing. I am happy with Canon now and I am looking at a longer telephoto lens. My current one is Tamron 18-200. I am looking for 16-300 or perhaps a 16-400. We will see. I am also thinking of signing up for photography classes. I want to learn how to take pictures manually. I want to be able to know how to use the full functions of my camera. I am going to wait until I come back from Indonesia and I will decide.

I still have not bought my return flight ticket. I am still waiting for price reduced. I have a rough idea of how much it would cost and I will keep a lookout for it. I have bought travel insurance for myself for the entire trip. It covers a lot and at least now I feel safe to travel. The stay at Mataram has been extended to 7th of May so it looks like I will be going home to Singapore on the 7th. I will be starting Grab after that. Having three sources of income is exciting to me. I call myself the super freelancer. I suppose earning this way makes me a happy woman. I am in control of my own schedule so this is fun, really.

Ever since I came back to Singapore to work. Working on my own is my ultimate dream and yes, I have achieved it. It will take some time to be stable but I am thankful I have enough.  I have lost 4kg in total. I work out regularly and I hike monthly. I hope I am fine for the hike for Rinjani, as well as Nad and Sarah and Lynn. Lynn told me she has been working out in the gym. Well, I pray we all will reach the summit no matter how long we will take. It is not easy. There are people who never make it to the top. I have heard that the last two hundred meters will be the most challenging and difficult.

I am going to Tangkak tomorrow with mom. I will be hiking on Sunday but will leave home on Saturday. I will pick up one of the teammates in Melaka and then to Bangi and to USJ to meet Nad to pass her things. Then I will be driving to the meeting point to meet the rest of the team. Nur Kasih and I are not meeting. We had to cancel the plan as she has an event on the 16th. I feel disappointed, kind of sad but I am trying not to let it overcome my emotions. No matter how hard I tried, there was a little discrepancy. As usual, I said something, wrote something and I guess she became upset. I am letting things cool down for a while; the cooling off period people say. I am afraid if I talk too much or write too much, it may make things worse. We are quiet with each other today. I am not sure how long it will last. We all know that sticks and stones are hard on bones. If you speak with an angry heart, your words can sting like anything. But silence…silence really breaks the heart.

Oh well, never mind Diary. Little fights, arguments and misunderstanding are all parts and parcels of a relationship, aren’t they? What is most important, we don’t run away from them, we fix them. If we do not know how to fix them, we learn how to fix them. Being different does not make us incompatible. A lovers' quarrel is always about every quarrel you ever had. 

PS: Diam itu maknanya rindu

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Bila Kita Berbeza

Kekasih, maafkan aku bila terlanjur
Tahulah engkau aku manusia
Yang sudah cuba berkali kali berubah
Tersungkur tertiarap terbaring ketika cuba
Selepas berbicara kemudian menyesal
Terasa biadap sukar dipahamkan
Kadang rasa sendirian lebih baik
Jadi tidak menghiris hati kesayangan
Tiada lagi hancurnya perasaan
Tidak terobek jiwa nurani
Cuai dengan bicara kerap sekali
Dilemparkan semua pada cinta
Amarah memarak syaitan bersorak
Berserah kalah aku dengan dia
Mungkin engkau jua begitu nanti
Sendirian aku mengorak langkah
Kerana kita insan berbeza sekali

Ps: Yang bezalah yang aku sayang

Monday, April 9, 2018

Hiking and Meeting Nur Kasih

Dear Diary,

My preparation for Mount Rinjani is almost done. I am still waiting for 1 item I bought online to be delivered.  Other than that, all is good. I have repacked my stuff and put the clothes into the compression bag. I have more space now. I have not put in my hiking shoes. I am just a bit wary to do it way too early to avoid any more mishaps. I need to bring back my shoe bag in Tangkak to Singapore. I will put my shoes in them and pack them on the last day before I leave Singapore. What happened to my Lowa boots left a deep impact on me that I got even more scared of packing shoes.

You know I already have this existing fear. There were a couple of times this had happened to me and now this. I am so careful now about shoes that it makes me feel that I am a paranoid or something. I am a bit disappointed that I cannot wear the boots to Rinjani but I consoled myself. At least it happened here, at home instead of there. I cannot imagine if it were to happen there. Oh dear, Allah loves and cares about me. I am thankful somehow, glad that I was left with ample time to come up with another plan for the shoes.

I am going hiking this weekend Diary. It will be with Core again and I am excited. I am excited about the hike and I am also excited because I will be meeting Nur Kasih a day after the hike. I will check in at my regular hotel to spend the night there and I will meet her on Monday.  I am not sure what time we will meet but I will meet her. I bought some biscuits and chocolates for her or maybe for her children. We have a chain of shops in Singapore that sell things at dirt cheap prices. Honestly, I did not need any of those snacks but I bought them anyway because they are cheap. It is probably impulse shopping, yeah I know. I bought some for Nad, Sarah and also Nur Kasih.

Oh Diary, I have yet to buy my return ticket to Singapore from Lombok. I have not decided yet if I want to extend my stay in Lombok. I will be alone then. I have to decide soon because coming into Indonesia needs me to show them my return ticket otherwise I will have to fly back to Singapore immediately. I have to buy it today. I think I am going to go online and buy it now, right now. I cannot waste any more time. I also need to arrange for Supir in Bali. Oh God, can you believe that I have not come up with itinerary yet for Bali? Geezz…what is happening to me? Got to do it today Diary. Oh, but I need to play with my camera. Oh no…

I will write again Diary. You take care.

PS: Rindu itu sayang dan cinta aku padamu teguh

Friday, April 6, 2018

Busy Comes From Rinjani

Dear Diary,

I haven’t been writing a lot to you lately. I apologize for my lack of attention towards you. I have not been busy but I just kept myself busy with online shopping and preparation to Rinjani. I still hike every month and I still workout daily but somehow I simply did not follow my daily timetable religiously. I did not write things I have done on that A4 piece of paper, which I usually do. Well, I guess I am a little off track nowadays but I am back on my feet again.

I am glad I still manage to do at least 50% of the things in my timetable. Things like prayers, workouts, and housework are what I would always do without miss. Other than that, I had skipped.  There are many things that I have to do apart from the daily timetable. I have to search for tickets for my return to Singapore from Lombok. I have to search for a transport service during my time in Bali. I have bought for my dad wheelchair service to and from Bali so it would be easier for my mom and dad. They will be alone coming back to Singapore and I am trying my best to make it as easy as it can be for both of them. I am praying to Allah to make it easy for them.

I will not be with them as I have to go to Lombok from Bali. I will be hiking Rinjani and I will meet Sarah and Nad there. My flight to Lombok is at 445pm and I will arrive Bali at 515pm. It was just a 30 minutes flight and I supposed it will be the shortest flight of my life and the cheapest too! It only cost me SGD26 for that flight. I hope I will not hold up the rest of the participants. Most of them arrive early on that day. I will be the only one from Bali.

I have started packing and there are only a few more items left to add on. Most of the items I bought online have arrived and there are only 2 more. I bought a new pair of hiking shoes as the soles of my Lowa boots came off. It was my mistake to put them in plastic bags and left them in my backpack for more than two weeks. You see, I started packing early and packing the boots like that was a big mistake. You never pack your boots in plastic bags and store them. When my gaiters arrived, I took the boots out to try them with my boots and I notice some small bits of rubber came off from my shoes and I knew it then my boots were gone.

I can always send them for repair to have the soles replaced. But Campers Corner would have to send the shoes to Germany and it will take more than 1 month. I am leaving on 23rd of April. The shoes will not be ready in time for my trip. I am not sure if I still want to wear those boots for Mount Fuji. The trip will be in August and I guess if I send the shoes for re-sole after I come back from Rinjani, I will have plenty of time. I just don’t know if I want to wear my Lowa Boots.

The new shoes are fine. It is Hi-Tec and mid cut. It is lightweight and breathable. It is definitely not bulky like Lowa because it is not boots. Lowa boots are naturally more bulky, heavier and bigger. I bought them for any snow holidays. I need to know how to care for hiking boots. I am always concern of the soles. I have this fear the soles would come off while hiking. That is like my biggest concern. I will try this new pair of hiking shoes in Rinjani first and then I will decide if I want to bring Lowa for Fuji. If I do, I will send it to re-sole and find a proper shoe bags that fit.

Oh yes, I have sent my camera for repair. Thank god it is fine now and I can use a new filter for it. It cost me $90. And the repairman cleaned my camera as well. I am happy with their service and I will be familiarising myself with it again. I want to enroll myself in photography classes soon before my trip to Japan.  

I got to go Diary. Talk to you soon.  

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Tua Bersamamu

Jika engkau tahu isi hati aku
Engkau pasti percaya aku cinta
Amarah aku hanyalah seketika
Sedang aku berperang dengan rasa
Jangan putus asa dengan kita
Mari majukan cinta bersama sama
Kerana aku mahu tua bersamamu
Mengusap rambut berwarna kelabu
Memimpin tangan yang mengigil
Mengesat lembut wajah kerepot
Berjalan membongkok seangkatan
Bergurau senda mengusik menyakat
Kau dan aku ketawa sakan bahagia

Ps: Untuk engkau percaya bahawa aku cinta

Friday, March 23, 2018

Second Time and More To Come

Dear Diary,

Have I told you that I met Nur Kasih for the second time? My hike to Swettenham was with 14 other participants. Nad and Sarah was with me and we carpooled. Nur Kasih offered to make sandwiches for me and I accepted her offer. She made egg mayonnaise and sardine sandwiches for the three of us. They were delicious and honestly I like them very much.

I met her in the afternoon on Friday. I fetched her from her office and we went for some snacks at a coffee shop nearby. The good thing about her work is, she has work there for the longest time and she is free to come out and meet me easily. She has this flexibility in her workplace that will benefit our relationship. This is a good thing because I can only meet her during weekdays. I came to her office and waited by the roadside. She came bringing along with her this motherly aura she has since she got married and have children.

You see, the thing about married woman is she is sexy without realising it. That motherly care she shows to you is a symbol of deep love of a woman who has carried foetuses in her womb for nine months and nine days without complain. She has given birth to three beautiful children. She showers them with her love, care and concern and now she has me to do the same. Have you ever felt so much love before? I have never felt so much love until I am back with her. This feeling of care she shows me makes me realise how true her love to me is. I might be careless sometimes because I have been single for so long and I overlooked the small matters but I hope she knows that all I have for her are love and happiness. I was so fond of counting my troubles, but I did not count my joys. If I counted them up as I ought to, I would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it. She is my joy nowadays.

I spent about 5 hours with her. I sent her back to her office and waited for her again as she packed up to leave office to go home. She did not drive that day as her car broke down. I sent her home that day. I felt good being able to do that for her. We have come a long way, both of us. We fell in love the first time when we were kids, we had little money but we had so much love for each other. I did not even have a driving license back then while she did not even have a car. I remember those times I spent with her. She was very child-like, manja. And it was my honour to pamper her however I can.

She directed me to her house. The drive was not smooth as she kept giving me the directions at the last minute. I was not angry. I was enjoying the rough and bumpy ride. We were laughing in the car. I supposed both of us had such a lovely time. We have had histories and we both have chemistry. Occasionally she took my hand and held it tight and I would do the same. It is a lucky thing I can drive single handed. I am skilful, I know. Upon reaching her house, we sat in the car for while. She left her house keys in her car and the car is at the workshop. She had to wait for her husband to arrive home. We chatted, we laughed and we were playful to each other. I remember we were like kids. I was happy and she was too and I am glad. I suppose she needs to laugh more, we all do.

When her husband arrives, I sent her to her block. We bid farewell and off I went to USJ to fetch Sarah and Nad. The ride to USJ was bad as Waze failed me and I had to find the way there myself. But it was nothing, I was happy after meeting the love of my life. People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because I am not on my road doesn’t mean I have gotten lost.   

PS: Kau dan aku...Jadi kita satu, Faj sayang Ein