I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, December 29, 2005

she's going to live longer

Dear diary,
Little sister is back into my life and it sure feels good. We have met a couple of times and she even accompanied me for lunch, a thing that I had never dreamt possible. She has grown healthier and very childlike as usual. The doctor broke very good news to her and I am very happy for her. I guessed the bone marrow transplant has proved to be successful eventually. All these while, we were hoping and perhaps praying that it would eventually bring us good news.
The good news finally came and I was overjoyed beyond descriptions.I still remember those times when I was so afraid that she would leave me when the time comes. I swear to god that I had prayed so hard so that she could live another day. Have I told you that she came to my house and left me a bouquet of flower outside the door? I still keep that bouquet of flower even though all of the leaves and flowers have gone dry and withered. It is just something I like to keep that could remind me of her. I do think of her everytime I see that bouquet of flowers.
Her girlfriend has text me a couple of times asking me to leave her alone. I also received three calls from a number that was not in my contact list. I suspected that it was from her girlfriend. I didn’t pick it up because I wouldn’t know what to say and how to answer her if she asked me anything. The thing that makes it that way was the fact that little sister and I have gone beyond that sisterhood boundary. It is funny because both of us did not expect things to be this way but things just happened you know. I am not making excuses for myself but I guess little sister and I have shared and gone through so many things that we have built a bond between us that is filled with multiple layers of emotions. We do not have to sleep together in one bed or make love but sharing emotions is enough to feel love for each other.

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