I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, December 15, 2005

the animals we made our family

Dear diary,
Living in a house alone can get lonely most of the times. I feel so lonely everytime I come home. I have got nothing to look forward to. I have thought of getting a kitten for myself but living as a student with no fixed and constant flow of income prevents me from doing so. If I want to rear a kitten I want to be a responsible one. I want to provide him with a good home. I want to be able to nurse him when he is sick and feed him with good quality food. I want to provide him comfort, love and care. It takes money to do that.
We spent quite a lot on Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat already. I cannot afford to have another one here in KL. I am still dependent on my parents for pocket money, thus having a kitten on my own can be quite a burden. The medical fees alone is even more expensive than humans, I am sure it will eat into my budget if I have one. I cook myself dinner every night. It has been great so far. I am not afraid neither am I scared but I just feel lonely. I have never came home to an empty house before all my life.
I experienced a bit of a culture shock when I moved here. Dinner was always cooked and served for me whenever I came home in singapore. Now, it’s just the furnitures and the sounds of the crickets that come from the nearby forest that welcome me whenever I reached home. No more greetings from mom or dad. No more greetings from Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat . I remember how Hang Tuah welcomed me when I reached home. He would ran to the door and stood on his back feet, his two front feet would lean against the gate waiting for me to open the door wide. I miss them everytime diary. Everything about them is all so adorable and genuine. I have loved them like I have loved my family. I feel the bond that we have built among ourselves and I knew if anything bad happened to them, I would be devastated.
Let us not forget the reason why we brought them into our family. It is to heal our wounded heart for losing our own flesh and blood. They help us to heal even though we still do think of him but their presence help to divert our attentions away from him. Their presence help us to put smiles and laughter back on to our faces. That’s a miracle diary, cats can do wonders. You put them in a right home and you can make magic out of it. I haven’t tell you a lot about them haven’t i? Hang tuah has got beeter acquainted with hang jebat. They play with each other and most of the times, you will end up watching them wrestle each other. It is so entertaining and hilarious watching them play.
Hang Tuah always has the upper hand because he is bigger and taller. Jebat can be timid but he is one mischievious cat! Believe me when I tell you that all the wrestles started from Jebat. Hang Tuah would be sitting quietly minding his own business and Jebat would come and hit Tuah’s face with his paws. Jebat would throw himself infront of Tuah and would try to grab Tuah’s neck to bite. The wrestle would always start from there. They play catching sometimes and when they do, things at home will go haywire. Things and decorations will be all over the house. I never knew that cats like to rearrange home decors without any planning at all.
They are very adorable diary. Once you have seen them, I am sure you will like them.Hang Jebat is still the same timid cat. He has grown so much now and he has put on weight. He had some problem with answering nature calls at the right places. We sent him to the vet and followed some of the doctor’s advice. it worked! Mom told me how both of them had behaved when Jebat was put inside the bag to be brought to the vet. Tuah sniffed the bag and tried to open it with his paws. He probably think that Jebat was trapped inside the bag and he wanted to save him. They called out to each other and when Balim left home with Jebat, Tuah became agitated. He seemed to be in stress and it was rather frantic. He ran from the kitchen to the balcony. He climbed up the wooden stools at the balcony and looked out of the window for any signs of Jebat. When he couldn’t get any view of Jebat, he ran back to the kitchen and looked up to the kitchen’s window. He called out to mom probably asking her to lift him up so that he could catch Jebat’s view. I really felt for him when I heard that story. It’s amazing isn’t it diary?
Knowing that animals have bonded together can be overwhelming. I really wonder if their relationships or friendships functions like how the relationships and friendships of the humans do. Do they fight and apologise and do they get jealous? I wonder how it is like to be them. I am sure, Jebat would attract lots of attentions from the girls because he is so good looking. He has this pretty boy looks while Tuah has this rugged manly look. He behaves like a big brother to Jebat and Jebat would follow everything that Tuah does, from climbing out of the window to messing up the rugs in the kitchen.
I have noticed that Jebat has started to form habits which were passed down from Tuah. It can be very impressive because that’s what happen in almost every household. The young always follow what the old does. I remember picking up tricks and habits from my elder brothers when I was young. The joy for successfully copy their tricks or habits was so awesome that it can immediately boost your confidence level.It is estimated that Tuah and Jebat will live up to 20 years. If that is the case, when they are gone, I am sure I will cry like how I cried when bakim passed away. Perhaps, the feelings of losing your flesh and blood will be felt all over again by me. I don’t know if I am ready to experience it again. It hurts you know, it really does. It’s so painful that if I am granted one wish, I would wish that I will never get to feel it again.

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