I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, September 15, 2005

the meeting of two old friends

Dear diary,
it has been a busy week for me. I have been going out so often that I haven’t been studying. First of all, I met with an old friend. Do you know who she is? She is kancil and we haven’t met for a long time and it was a good thing to meet. When I saw her, she was wearing the tudung and baju kurung. She looked sweet and it was a pleasant sight to see her in that attire. I figured she was only in that kind of attire because of her job. It's been awhile since we met and when we meet I had this feeling of comfort probably because I have known her long enough to be feeling cosy.
Kancil has put on a little weight. She was thin the last time I saw her but this time, although she has not fall under the fat people category, she does seem a little fatter than before although it was not that obvious. She cut her hair short and she’s still the same person that I know. Nothing much about her is new. She’s still with the same girl, basically the same job and same car except for her hair and the extra weight she has gain. I like being around her, I just feel that we share the same wavelength and it makes me easier to interact with her. We talked a lot about things from the most nonsense to the most intellectually challenged topics. I teased her many times and I guess she just got so used to me.
I often wonder when do I ever get the chance to make her mine. I just don’t seem to have any luck with her you know. She’s always with someone and I just draw a transparent line between herself and myself to remind myself of the barrier that I have to watch out. It tells me not to get too carried away with the teasing and the naughty and cheeky remarks I threw at her. It reminds me to behave myself whenever I am alone with her. You just have to do that sometimes you know.
You know diary, I often thought of myself as boring but to my surprise kancil is even more boring than I thought. It’s not like she has turned me off or anything like that. I swear that I will be very comfortable with kancil if she were mine but I just couldn’t figure out that she almost doesn’t do anything for fun. I asked her to go for movie, she refused. She told me she’s not a movie buff and then I tried karaoke, she refused giving me the excuse that she doesn’t sing. I haven’t gave up on her and asked if she wanted to bowl, oh my god, can you believe that she doesn’t bowl as well? I wonder what does she ever do for fun?
I began to see the real her and I just realised that there are other people who are worse than you ever imagine. Those would probably be the weaknesses that kancil might have and I guess going steady with her would mean that you just have to accept her as a whole package, the weaknesses and strengths. I guess that’s how people have to accept me as well. Nobody’s perfect and as long as you feel comfortable and happy with somebody I guess that’s enough. She brought me to her home and her two cats and 4 kittens welcomed me and mind you, the welcome ceremony includes the whole package which came with the smell as well. Her house is big and spacious and I noticed that she doesn’t like to do housework. You know diary, she might probably hates me after this cos she reads you diary. She is probably one of my loyal fan I should say. A loyal fan that I can never have. Anyway I enjoy her companionship and I look forward to going out with her again.

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