I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, April 29, 2006

all for the sake of her

Dear diary,
I had spent my time with my friends and she was there most of the time. We played pool and bowling. I had a great time till I didn’t want to let the moments passed. It was all about her and nothing else. I just couldn’t get enough of her. I didn’t really make efforts to have a decent conversation with her neither did I make efforts to have small talks with her. I was too shy and timid.
That is just how I am with girls I am attracted to. The night when we played pool, for the first time, I tried to learn how to play it. I played a game which proved how I really suck at it. I didn’t even know how to hold the stick or the cue, whatever they call it. I guess it was because I felt comfortable when I had my closest buddy with me on that night. Survivor made me feel comfortable and I also was trying to have a good time.
I tried and I got more than what I have bargained for. They taught me how to play and the most nicest thing, she gave me a tip or two and even held my hand to guide me how to hit the ball. It was nice and that made me so nervous that hitting the ball was not my priority at all. She was so cool, relax and calm. She was helpful and sincere. She was genuine. Most of all, she was original. You know how I feel with original girls. Originality never goes out of style. At that point of time, I wish that I could always be with her. It doesn’t matter what is the level of intimacy we will have between each other, all I wanted is to be with her.

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