I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, April 27, 2006

catching up slowly

Dear diary,
It has been a long time since I last write to you. So many things happened that I couldn’t recall some of them, but for the moment, things have not been good to me but people have been good to me. My life over here has been great but I must constantly remind myself not to forget my main priorities which is to study.There are so many things that I have not been telling you diary. I have got my license for motorcycle but I have decided not to ride.
Dad bought me a car and I am mobile nowadays except that I have to learn and get familiar with the routes. The car is doing fine, it is white but with different shades of white on some parts of the body. Dad bought the car in Johor and I drove the car from Johor all the way to kuala lumpur. Nothing happened in the journey and that probably proved us that the engine’s good. We paid cash for the car because dad didn’t want to have any commitment to pay monthly installments.
The physical conditions of the car is fine, it is just that I did some accesorising and made it look sporty. I added front, back and side skirtings to it. I added a spoiler and recently, I added red coloured mud guards to it. It has the looks that I want and I feel good driving it. I had Jack of all trades to spray my wheel cover white and my car really look like my dream car now, all white without having any other colour. Having the car makes me become independent as I do not have to depend and rely on the public transport, however it also makes me lose my focus on my studies. I have been going out too often than I should. I have always feel bad about it but I am trying to do something to make up for it.
I am not sure what has got into me this semester but I tend to spend my time more with my friends than with my books. I have been skipping classes more often than I should. What is going on with me diary?It worries me deep down inside and I hate to be feeling this way. I guess all I can do nowadays is to study hard for my exam and pass my papers. I need to pass my papers so that I can renew my student visa without any hassle or problems. It worries me so much that everytime I wake up from sleep, my mind would be thinking about school and studies. I have to stop doing what I have been doing which is to go out and have fun with friends or sacrifice my student visa being revoked.

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