I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, April 30, 2006

resisting good offer

Dear diary,
I have decided to stop referring to her as she, instead I will give her a name. I am still thinking of a name and I will let you know what it is once I have settled on a name. Wait, I will probably call her infinity. Something so significant happened for my birthday and it was all courtesy of infinity. I didn’t really know what was the plan but infinity, ‘pretty boy’ and ‘survivor’ planned to have dinner and I was invited.
My birthday was just a few days ago and then came this dinner invitation. I kind of had this feeling that it has got something to do with my birthday but I didn’t want to assume too much so I just took the invitation. All I wanted was to spend more time with them especially when infinity is around. I didn’t care about the occassion at all. I went back home that noon to get a fresh change of clothes for the dinner. Since I have not been going home, I really needed that break to go home. I knew I had to come back as I have promised them that I will be back after that. We actually went for supper the night before and infinity offered me something which I still could not believe it.
Something happened to my car concerning some of its security features. infinity knew about it and wanted to help. She offered me to park my car at her home and allowed me to drive her car home and she will drive my car to work and at the same time get the car fixed. I was very surprise with her offer but simultaneously I was overwhelmed. I was thinking if she was really genuine about it all because she was going to let me have her car which worth more than my car for a day till she gets my car fixed. I was contemplating to take her offer or not but I couldn’t help to think that she is possibly the most kindest and caring person I have ever come across.
She barely knows me but yet has offered me an offer which is beyond what some friends could have offered. This girl is for real, there I was saying to myself. I was thinking, if I were going to take up her offer, that would be an opportunity for me to get close with her. I could have made good use of the offer. I was still thinking if I should or should I not. I finally came to the conclusion I should not have because I really did not want to trouble her. Furthermore, it was crazy because I do not want to dent her car unintentionally. I have never driven a waja before and it’s kind of big compared to my kancil. I really didn’t want to jeopardise the relationship and trust I am building with her. I just have to resist her offer.

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