I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spending Tuesday With Bro...

Dear Diary,

I spent my day with my brother accompanying him to register for his convocation this coming 26th of March. We went to Regional Language Centre (RELC) but we couldn’t find it and my bro had to call his friend to ask for directions. We made a few rounds driving at Orchard Road just to look for the building. The funny thing was my bro asked me for direction when he jolly well know that I do not drive in Singapore. Singapore roads seem alien to me and to tell you the truth I have quite a difficulty understanding the traffic light systems here. I have never driven in Singapore for good. When I got my license, I was already living in Malaysia and I am more comfortable driving in Malaysia than in Singapore although I must admit driving in Malaysia is not for the faint hearted.

I am afraid to drive in Singapore because everybody seems to be a law abiding citizens here and traffic cameras are almost everywhere on the roads. You just can’t escape from getting fined if you have committed a traffic offence. And even if you feel bold and brave to break the rules, you just won’t because everybody else will look at you as if you have done a sin so bad that you deserve the capital punishment. You will feel awkward breaking traffic rules because people just won’t do it here. To earn a demerit points for driving in Singapore is one of the most undesirable things here. Once you have hit the maximum points, your will be disqualified from driving and you will have to go through the process of studying how to drive a car all over again. Trust me Diary you don’t want to go through that. It can take a year for you to pass the earliest and for some people longer than that. The cost to that can burn quite a hole in your pocket. I spent about SGD2K for my license and I took 15 months to pass. Now you understand why many Singaporeans felt like kissing their driving testers when they passed don’t you Diary? I had to make three attempts before I passed and when I was told I had made it, I swear to God I felt like the happiest woman on earth.

How has it been going for you Diary? Things have been ok for me. I am starting to get used to going to bed early than the usual. It is like I am getting back all the sleep that I have missed. I go to bed early and I get up late and I still don’t take afternoon naps. I am organizing my life and I can say that I am doing fine so far. You know things have gone a little haywire after the break ups. I don’t sleep right and well and I don’t eat right and well. My life was chaotic and I felt lousy almost everyday of my life. But that was only for awhile Diary. I allowed myself to feel like that just to bring out all the sadness in me. But I think I am doing well now. I am recovering and recuperating. It is still painful but I believe it is healing too. They have to be simultaneous. Pain and heal always come together as a package and they work hand in hand. I still miss the women but I am hanging tough.

I received a text from Flying Babe at four in the morning. As usual it was always about love and one of those forwarded messages. Apparently it is “Lover’s Day” today. Is it Diary? Do you know anything about it? Her message this time is longer than the usual and I think I might take her message seriously this time. I have written her a letter but I have yet to post it to her. I will do it tomorrow and hope she gets the message that I am still thinking of her and I do still hope that we might be holding hands again someday. Oh Diary, it is so hard to let her go. I will write to her again today and that makes it two letters that she will be receiving this time.

We went to the army market after RELC. I bought some camping stuffs that just needed to be replenished. You know Diary I think the army market is my favourite place to shop. They have so many interesting things to look at. If you are the outdoor type and love to be with nature, this is the place where you would most likely be. They have almost all the camping or hiking equipments under one roof from the cheapest to the most expensive. You may find hiking shoes, backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, ground sheets, whistles, camping stools, headlights, spare parts for tents, backpacks and whatever that is related and relevant to camping and hiking here. You can even send your jackets or shoes or backpacks or ground sheets or tents for repairs here. They provide all kinds of service under one roof. It is a good thing that I still have the army market to shop for my camping stuffs because honestly Diary, I couldn’t find anything like the army market in Singapore, in Malaysia. I just couldn’t.

When I analysed this thought I just realized that the army market actually exist to cater to the needs of the national servicemen in Singapore. You know that they have to undergo two and a half years of national service in various uniform groups. We have the army, police, civil defence and the navy. All these uniformed groups require their national servicemen to have complete attires including gears. I had three brothers serving the army for their national service and I know although the basic attires, gears and equipments were given free when they are enlisted, the items can get worn out or missing after some time and they need to be replaced. So where do these national servicemen go to, for the replacements items? Where else but the army market, that’s how and where the name of the place derive. It does sound synonym with the uniformed groups. Believe me Diary, if you were into hiking and camping activities you just can’t get enough of the army market. I am a gear freak and going to the army market is just a thing I must do monthly. My hiking equipments are enough to fill the space of a room and I don’t know what else I am going to buy later on. I just can’t stop buying and having anything just to make myself feel complete. It seems to me that I like to make myself feel complete with gears and equipments. I bought a few things to prepare myself for my ultimate trips to mountains overseas.

I have it all planned out Diary. I am going to finish the G7 mountains in Malaysia by 2010 and I am going caving in Sarawak and climb Gunung Api to see the pinnacles. After that, I am planning to conquer Rinjani and Bromo in Indonesia, Annapurna in Nepal and Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It is like the ultimate trips. You know what Diary? I am laughing at myself now. I am thinking when do I ever plan to go to Mecca. Oh Diary, I laughed so hard I choked on my own saliva.

I am sleepy now Diary…I will write to you again ok…good night and have a good sleep Diary.

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