I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Have Become A Sleepy Head

Dear Diary,
I was supposed to wake up at eight in the morning yesterday but I only managed to do it at half past nine. That was also with the help of some banging on the door by my housemate, Paranoid. Apparently she received a call from Pumpkin asking her to help wake me up. Well you know Diary, actually I had ask Paranoid to wake me up at eight and she did. She knocked on my door and I yelled out to her indicating that I have woken up but in actual fact, I went back to sleep. I couldn’t help it because I was feeling so tired and sleepy. The night before, I went to bed at almost three in the morning. All these late night sleep has taken its toll on me. I find it hard to focus when I drive, I often feel my head spinning a little every now and then and I often feel sleepy and weak lately. I do not take afternoon nap so I am left with only in the evening as my sleeping time. But I am sure that I do not get a full eight hours of sleep daily. But then again, having eight hours of sleep is not a medical requirement so I am just going to tell myself that it’s okay to be sleeping less hours.
I took my shower and get dressed quickly. The plan for yesterday was to pick Pumpkin at half past eight to go breakfast with her. My bus leaves at eleven and that would leave us plenty of time to talk and just chat to catch up on things. But I only got to her place at ten and we had a quick breakfast before pumpkin sent me to Holiday Villa to board the bus. Pumpkin was herself, very cool and almost unaffected at anything. I really think she was smart because she couldn’t get through to me and she called Infinity to ask for Paranoid’s number. If she hadn’t done that, believe me Diary, I think I would have missed my bus. That’s what I like about Pumpkin. She is independent, street smart and cool. Everytime she and I talk, most of the time we are on the same frequencies and it makes my job expressing myself easier.
I gave Pumpkin a hug before boarding the bus and spontaneously when I was walking towards the bus, I looked back, turned around and I think that was my sweetest smile I gave her and I whispered the three infamous words to her; ‘I love you’. Oh wait a minute Diary, now I am not sure if it was my sweetest smile or my cheekiest smile that I gave her. Look Diary do not get me wrong, I do love Pumpkin because she has always been there for me when I was at rock bottom. I managed to pour out all if not some of my predicaments to her. I still remember the times when Infinity and I are still together, Infinity said something about Pumpkin and I spontaneously told her off. I told Infinity that for all we know, Pumpkin could be the person I would turn to for help if Infinity and I are no longer together. I swear to God that it was only a spur of the moment statement I made. It really didn’t come across my mind that my romance with Infinity would be short lived. Like everyone of us who were in love, those were the days we thought they would never end. I guess it is because we believed in each other. We believed the love we had at that time was going to last for eternity until reality sinks in.
The bus to Singapore from Subang was not crowded at all. There were only four passengers including myself. This route from Subang to Singapore is new and not many people have heard of it. It is unlike the service from Bangsar to Singapore where the bus is always almost full. Either way is convenient to me and I do not really mind. What is more important to me is the efficiency and convenience of service and its punctuality. I have taken buses from Puduraya and it was a horrendous experience. I really hate the bus operators there because efficiency is really not in their vocabulary. The bus operators there are rowdy people who put profits first then customer service. The passengers can’t complain for any inefficiency, if so they would be told to board off the bus by the operators. You know Diary, I am really glad that I have come to know of this other coach service offered by professional commercial operators. Otherwise I wouldn’t know how much longer I can tolerate such bad service.
The journey was not boring neither was it enjoyable. Since the new route has just started about two months ago, the buses for this route was also new thus the personal television monitor was not installed yet on every seat. I couldn’t watch any movie at all like I always do. Lucky for me I never forget my MP3 player and that was the only entertainment I had during the journey home. I downloaded some new songs into it and listening to the new songs only made me more drifted into my own world. I closed my eyes and I see the beautiful faces of the women I once loved and perhaps still love…the women that have made me feel complete once upon a time ago.

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