I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Let's Talk About Work A Little...

Dear Diary,

I have come down with fever and cold for about 5 days and I am slowly recovering from it. It is unfortunate because I was supposed to attend training for the new job. I couldn’t breathe from my nose and I couldn’t focus in the training. I looked and sounded sick and Mr. Potato asked me to take some days off from work. I took the day off on Wednesday and I was not getting better the next day in fact I got worse. I went to the clinic and got a 2 days MC.

I kind of felt glad that I got the MC but I also felt rather bad and regrettable. The MC could give me some time to rest and recuperate but it also made me lost a few days of training, which could be valuable to me. Those who started the training with me have already started making calls to leads while I am still left here wondering how it would be like making those calls.

I am not sure if it is going to affect my position in the company as I can see that Mr. Potato is simply not happy about it. I tried to sound as apologetic as possible when I told him about my MC. I asked for his suggestion as I was supposed to take a test on the company’s background. Mr. Potato told me to come on Saturday to take the test and I did.

The test was not difficult if I had studied the stakeholder’s guide thoroughly. Most of the answers to the questions are in the guide. I studied the guide and I did not find the test difficult but I still left about 4 questions blank. I am not sure how I would do but Mr. Potato told me not to be worried about the result.

Oh well Diary, I am just afraid to go to work sometimes. I am still not used to the working environment in the new office. Everything seems so new especially the bosses. I do not know what to expect. I think I wouldn’t be feeling this way if the bosses are Asians. The key people here are all from the United Kingdom and I am somewhat uncertain of what to expect.

I can tell that my family and Hello Kitty are happy about this job. I am too but I know I have not gotten the hang of it. I am always like this you know. I get scared of a new environment. I always have to have someone in that new environment that I am comfortable with to boost my confidence. I wish Hello Kitty would be here with me all the time just to uplift my spirit up. I feel safe and secure when she is with me. It is not that she is a wonder woman but you know how it feels like when you have someone you trust by your side. She need not say anything but her presence would leave a strong impact on me.

I have promised myself that I will work hard and keep this job. I am doing this for my family, myself and Hello Kitty. I supposed I cannot be thinking of myself and about my dreams and visions anymore. I have to think of the people I love especially my parents. I want to take care of them and ask them to retire soon. They deserve to retire now and yes, with God’s willing I will ask them to retire when the time has come. I am working to stabilize myself here financially.

I miss living in Subang Jaya but there is nothing more that I can do about it. My life is in Singapore now and I might as well focus here. I miss my car and I have arranged to get it back this July. I have not seen it for almost 7 months now. I do not know how it is now but I always believe that she is in good hands. Rolly Polly surely will take good care of her. I am supposed to collect her end June but Rolly Polly wanted to extend the contract for another month.

I can wait for another month I guess. She needs the car badly and I suppose I can give in to her request. She has helped me a lot while I was in Subang Jaya. I really see no reason why I shouldn’t extend the contract for another month.

Oh Diary, I have to go now. I will write again and please pray for my health. I need it badly.

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