I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Promising Unsuccessful Application

Dear Diary,

My third application for a flat is unsuccesful again. But it is okay as I am not giving up. This time, the email that I got from the Housing Development Board sounds promising. This is because they have probably known that I am serious about it. This is the thing with HDB. Land is scarce in Singapore therefore anything that requires land is expensive in Singapore. Ironically, the most basic essential things of living that use land are houses and transportations. Houses and cars are filthy expensive here. I cannot deny that. I cannot wait for the next launch of housing projects by HDB. I will apply again and let us see what the result is. They have a launch in Yishun for singles and I am definitely will go for it. 

I am excited Diary. I received a call today about a job. They are going to arrange an interview for me. Alhamdulillah. I wish and hope that I will get this job as this is probably the job that I will like. They called me for a phone interview first I supposed. Nowadays, it is always like that. Interviewers will interview you on the phone to hear your voice and how you speak on the phone. They will study your phone etiquette and from there they will decide. It is tougher now to find a job as there are many obstacles that you have to go through. Apart from competing with fellow Singaporeans, you also have to compete with foreigners. I do not have anything against them but this is the reality in Singapore nowadays. Happy or not, you have to live with it. 

I was once a foreign talent too in another country except that I owned my business and so there was not any competition for me about the job but there were many competitions in business perspectives. There were many unhealthy competitions and I did not like it. I can say that my few years in business there brought many schooling to me. I learnt a lot from the streets and I know I can never get that kind of experience and knowledge in any top universities in the world. Experience, like respect has to be earned. If I get this job Diary, I would be so grateful to Allah. Things are going smoothly for me. In shaa Allah.   

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