I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Sunday Project

Dear Diary,

I have figured out how to attach my action camera to my helmet. I spent last Sunday figuring it out on my own without any help from the user manuals or youtube. It is simple really. I have all the equipments and all I needed to do was to experiment. I took about one hour. 

Luckily my helmet has many holes so it was easy to mount the camera with the straps and helmet mount that came with the camera. I also managed to figure out how to mount it on my head with just the strap. I am more comfortable wearing a helmet because the camera mounts perfectly with the helmet and it does not get loose. Well, it depends on what I wanna do. 

If I am going to do waterfall abseiling, flying fox or anything like that then I will definitely be mounting the camera on my helmet, otherwise I think I am good without the helmet. I am excited Diary.

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