I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, November 8, 2004

tired of her...

dear diary, i bought another savings insurance policy today from Great Eastern. i didn't have the intention to buy but the insurance advisor was pretty and she has flawless skin that i just couldn't resist admiring. she was the only female advisor at the booth and i quite enjoyed the time spent with her. i bought a savings 25 years plan which covers the common 30 illnesses, PTD and death. it does not have high sum assured but that is not my concern cos i have other policies from other Insurance companies to take care of it, so long as i know what i bought and what are my protections. it is important to be insured, insurance can act as savings, protection and as an investments, you will never know what can happen to you.

i am still not hearing any news from little sister. i am so worried about her. i don't know what could be wrong. she's not usually like this. she has not sms me and emailed me and there's no way i can find out what's wrong with her unless her mother calls me. she told me that her mum keeps my number for emergency. i am trying to think straight now and i will not let any negative thoughts take control of my emotions. she was hospitalised last few weeks cos the doctor wanted to take a sample of her blood and i am not sure if she is hospitalised again because of that this week. i just wish she is doing great and nothing bad has happened to her.

i am going skating tomorrow with designer again and it might be in the morning after i visit my brother's grave. we might be skating for 10 km this time under the hot sun. i got to bring my windbreaker and a cap. designer still can't skate at full speed cos she has yet to master the correct techniques. i might be leaving her far behind but i will keep a look out on her. it's good to skate when you already know how. you can feel the wind hitting your face and the adrenalin rush as you overtake the other skaters smoothly. it's really fun and exciting. i might be enrolling myself into the class soon to learn other skating techniques and skills. i have to wait until Ramadan is over though.

aramis text me again and i replied her after 24 days of silence. i didn't say any lovey dovey things in my message. i was being blunt and straightforward but i didn't sound rude or angry. i answered her with short and sharp answers. i just want to let it be. the main thing to do now is to protect my interest, everything else does not matter when it comes to her cos i know she can be selfish and amazingly insensitive. i don't want to hold grudges anyway and it's not good to remain silent with her for a long time.

i think she has got my message that i have become tired of her. i don't know. she thinks what she wants to think. i have nothing much to say anymore. you know diary, it is unbelievable how some people can take things for granted so much that they are becoming heartless, selfish prick. they only think of themselves and disregard other people's feelings and views. you try hard to understand and give in to them because you love them but they just wouldn't listen and understand. they don't see what you are going through because they refuse to open their eyes to see and feel. and after awhile, when you have realised how they have taken advantage of you, you start to stay away and ignore them. they noticed it and they asked you why and they apologised. it is always so simple with them. one apologies after another and they expect everything to go back to square one. well they can kiss my ass goodbye if that's what they think. there are times when you can forget and forgive but it's not that simple especially when our own interests are at stake. i have been forgiving and forgetting but let me tell you something diary, it sure feels good to get back sometimes. i guess that's when they came up with the saying, don't get mad, get even. this is what it's all about. talk to you later again diary...

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