I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, November 8, 2004

Busy Thursday

dear diary, i spent my thursday at home doing some project for someone. it is her birthday today and i wanted to send the file by email but i can't. it is a powerpoint presentation file and i have got some interesting stuffs in it. i have got our chat logs, my pictures and some of my poems written for her in it too. i did it so nicely and i also inserted our song in it for her to hear. the file is too big to be send via email. i have got other options but i have to wait for the time.

we are returning the maid back to the agency tomorrow and it is kind of sad. we hired her because of my late brother and now that he is gone, we don't require a maid anymore. we are all adults and there are no kids or aged people in the house. all this talk about the maid brings me back to my brother. i have to go now diary, don't wanna be in self pity for losing my brother.

oh yes, by the way, i miss my sister so much. she hasn't written for few days and i am worried. i hope she is happy and fine. i hope her butch gf didn't do anything to her. some butch can be so insecure and edgy and i wonder why that is. little sister, if u read this, where have you been? send me news of yourself ok..?

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