I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

loving jebat and tuah unconditionally

dear diary,
i have talked to you about my room mate and a little bit of the moving to Kuala Lumpur process. right now, i want to talk to you about the cats. as you have already known, hang tuah has been around with us for a year now and we have another new ragdoll and his name is hang jebat. mom paid for hang jebat and he cost cheaper than hang tuah. hang tuah is 1.2k and hang jebat is 300 bucks cheaper. i guess it goes the same with cats as well. if you pay peanuts, you get monkey. in our case, hang tuah has been very good and does not cause a lot of problems. however, hang jebat has been giving small problems to us. first of all, his personality has been a problem to me. he is very timid and fearful of almost everything. during the first few days of his arrival, he hid himself in a place only god knows where. we had to search for him high and low and he only came out when he was hungry.
can u believe that the whole family delayed the maghrib prayer just because all of us wanted to search for hang jebat first. i guess, we have begun to love him and have accepted him into the family so that's why we delayed the prayer just to feel at ease while praying. knowing that he is safe and sound enable us to pray with focus. oh diary, there was the cat competition in july and we entered hang tuah and jebat together. hang jebat entered the championship category while tuah has to settle for household category cos he des not have the championship features. hang tuah lost all four rounds. hang jebat won all four rounds and he got plenty of goodies, food supply, little supply and other freebies that's worth about three month's supply of food. isn't that a bonus to the owners of the cats who won in competitions? we just have to invest a little bit of our time during the competition and pay a small amount of entry fees and in return get double or triple what we have invested if our cats won.
hang tuah lost this time cos there were too many household cats. he won himself a place for best 9th household cat. hang jebat really surprises us cos we did not expect him to win any cos of his personality but the good thing about cat competition is that cats are not judged based on personalities but more on outlooks. i guess that's where he excels. hang jebat looks pretty while he is a male. his fur is much softer than hang tuah's and is whiter. i love both of them regardless what. they are like the friends i have that always understands me and put up with my nonsense without complains..come to think of it, how could they complain when they can't speak?

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