I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, August 26, 2005

That's how it is...

dear diary,
i wanted to talk to you some more about the moving to Kuala Lumpur process but i think i will wait and talk about something else. it is kind of boring to be talking about the same thing over again. as much as i want to tell you about the whole process, i still have to prioritise hot stories. do you remember little sister? guess what? i have finally met her and i was happy. she came to my hostel even though it was dificult for her to do that. she planned it with her friend and we finally got to meet. you know, i truly appreciate her effort even though the meeting did not last for more than 30 minutes. she brought me a rose and i didn't really like it. you know how i hate flowers don't you? i didn't get turn off when she gave me the rose but i wasn't really thrilled when i got it. little sister is a very petite woman for her age. she's shorter than me and much smaller in built. she's pleasant looking and believe me, i felt so happy when i saw her. it's like i have finally met the person i have known whom i have always thought to be someone without a face. i wanted to give her a hug, i wanted to do something to her that enable me to tell her how much i treasure her. i didn't have the chance to do so diary. we didn't have much time and we met directly underneath my hostel. i can't be giving the wrong impression to the people there. it's too big a risk to take. but i have to be honest that i am happy that i finally met her. it's really worth it diary...and i would like that to be repeated. hopefully...

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