I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, August 29, 2005

Provoke me and I will retaliate

dear diary,
i feel like i am back to my secondary school days. the girls in the hostel are friendly and polite but there are some who are just pure bitch. i have been minding my own business and i notice there are 2 or 3 girls that think they are just cool and are so proud about it.
i was studying there whole day yesterday in my room and when it was time for dinner, my room mate asked if i wanted to share her curry. she offered me and so i accepted when i really didn't want to. she was at the pantry and it is a common hang out place for the tenants of the hostel. there were two girls sitting at the table there watching television. i had notice the other one since a few days after i have lived there. she has a tatoo on her back and she smokes. i think she's the only one smoking in the hostel. i couldn't be bothered about her but what i couldn't stand was that she kept stealing glances at me. and when i had eye contact with her she turn away pretending to look somewhere else.
while i was eating with my room mate, i made a few conversation with the guard and probably i was making too much noise for them and the two of them kept looking at each other making faces and giving me the body language that made me feel i had offended them or something. i kept my cool and so i continued eating.after awhile a few friends joined us and when you have more than 3 people there, you cannot expect the noise level will be decreased. we started talking and again the girl with the tatoo made gestures and expressions on her face that she disliked what we are doing. it was as if we were interrupting her tv sessions.i didn't get it because how could she expect us to be quite just because she is there. that is a common area where everybody hangs out and please do not expect people to give you what you want. you just cannot have your cake and eat it. i got pissed and i almost confronted her when i stopped myself from doing so because i kept telling myself i am here to study and not too look for trouble.
you know diary, i swear to god, that if i had lost my temper, i would have confronted her and gave her a piece of my mind. i will spit at her face and i will pull her hair hard and i will naked her and threw her ouot of the hostel and let everbody view her ugly big fat yellow stinking ass. she has been giving most of my friends a hard time at the hostel and i just figured that somehow somebody have to teach her a lesson. i'm not game for finding enemies from where i live at but if u were there with me, you would know how i feel. although the gestures and the facial expressions were not directly intended at me but i was there with my friends and i knew she meant those gestures for us. somebody just have to protect my friends. she is probably not worth it but if i were to stay there longer and watch her making fun of my friends like that again, i swear i will diplomatically come up to her and ask her if she has a problem with me or not.

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