I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Mum and Her Driving License

Dear Diary,

I just came back from JB with my parents. It was a tiring day. I was feeling sleepy while driving and yes I have to admit I just could not wait to go home to rest. I am having a headache that is really making me feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I wonder why did my mum ever bothered to learn how to drive when she does not really use the skill to the fullest. I mean, come on Diary...she has her license and I just do not understand why are they still dependent on me to bring them to places they want to go.

Do not misunderstand me; I am just so tired sometimes you know. I really wish my parents would be independent soon. Mum still needs a lot of practice behind the wheel. Her maneuvering skills still suck and I am very concern about it. Dad has just bought her a car in Tangkak. She has driven it for about 6 to 7 times but I cannot deny the fact that I really wonder how the instructor ever let her passed. Honestly, in my most sincere opinion she really needs a lot of practice. I got so tense everytime I sat beside her simply just to watch her drive. I was so worked up at the way she drives and maneuvers. I swear there can easily be world war three if I had let my temper get the better of me. Watching her drive is something that I take as a test to my temper.

I feel bad at times when I snapped at her while she was driving but I could not help it. There were times when I let her on her own but she could not last the whole driving session. She still needs guidance on lots of things especially on how to park the car. You know, my mother she is never a technical person. I can teach her how to operate the DVD player a hundred times today and she can forget about it the next day. Mum has just bought an iPad for her own use and frankly, I really think it is a waste. On a scale of 1 to 10, she only uses it at level 1. I have taught her of the basics but really, if she does not try to use it on her own, all my efforts teaching her will go to waste. That goes the same with the car.

I am somewhat disappointed with my mum. She does not seem excited about her new car. She does not want to be eager about driving. I hope she would at least be thrilled about brushing up her driving skills with a car, she can call her own but she does not. I wish I could be relaxed about it soon but I know until the day she manages to park the car on her own, only then I can be at ease. Believe me Diary, she takes ages to reverse parking and I cannot believe she has difficulty to forward parking too. Well yeah, I could understand that. I too, had trouble doing reverse parking when I just had my license but forward parking?

My parents are retiring end of this year, will be moving to Tangkak, and if my mum is still not skillful in her driving then I really should be worried. As much as I want her to be independent, skillful and confident, I do not want her to compromise on her safety, get what I mean?

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