I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Things I Took So Long To Realise...

Hello Diary,

I have just reprimanded Hang Tuah for his misbehaviour. It has been two days continuously and his attitude just drove me up the wall. I find myself shouting at him trying to discipline him and I took the cane to hit him but I simply could not hit him with it. Perhaps he is just too adorable to be reprimanded with a cane or maybe I simply do not have the heart to carry out harsh disciplinary actions on animals, which I know can be very helpless. If you ask me what my weaknesses are, I would say my family, the elderly and animals. If I can do miracles, I would protect all the animals on earth. I cannot tolerate cruelty to animals. If I come across any cruelty to animals, I am sure I would have stand up for the animals. 

How has it been going for you Diary? Things on my side are fine I guess. Yes, I had found a job since the last entry I wrote to you and after three days, I quit. Nothing is new isn’t it? Well I hated the job and I was not comfortable in there. The environment and the benefits in the end to me are not attractive. Well, I found a new job again and this time I somewhat know I can stay long. I have not started work yet, they are doing some background financial checks and I am waiting for the clearance. The job scopes are the same with the old bank I was with and I know I have an ex colleague who will be working together with me, so yeah I can say with confidence that I will be comfortable here.  

The interview went well and I have set up my mind to tell the interviewer the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but of course that did not how exactly it happened actually. Well who could have blamed me? Nobody tells the truth in an interview. You somehow have to cook some sort of stories to secure the job. Telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth is madness and a risk. The interviewer was an ex staff of the old bank I used to work for. It was a smooth interview because he asked me questions that were fair and not very difficult to answer. The interview was straightforward, simple and long. I asked him relevant questions that I have just read over the internet on the most suitable questions to ask during an interview. I listened to him and I answered his questions earnestly. Of course, I did not tell him that I have had two short previous banking experiences after my last job and before the interview. That was really the part that I was not honest. I could not, and anybody would have agreed with me. How can I include 13 days and 3 days of experiences in my resume? Doing that would just be suicidal that will lead to other more difficult to answer questions.     

At the end of the interview, he offered me the position right away and I knew I nailed it. I wanted this job Diary. The environment would suit me and I know I would be comfortable. He asked what my concerns are and I told him there are only two things that I look for in a company which are the financial rewards and how comfy I can get in that new environment. That was a candid answer. After job hunting and well, perhaps job-hopping, sincerely I realised how important it is to be comfortable in a new environment.  However, there are two things to aim at in my life:  first, to get what I want and after that, to enjoy it. It took me almost my whole life to realise that only the wisest of humankind achieve the second. The environment has to be conducive and superiors have to be tactful on how to tackle issues with staffs. Honestly, I was comfortable with my job before but yeah I was looking for more in terms of monetary rewards to open my own food stall quickly. You know that happiness is excitement that has found a settling down place but there is always a little corner that keeps flapping around.  

I got the job, which offers me great monetary rewards, but I swear the working environment sucks to the core. I felt like I was going to hell when I reported to work. Hence, monetary rewards are not really the whole thing; you have to be happy coming to work or at least at ease and comfortable. Now I know.   Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys.  If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it. 

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