I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, April 13, 2012

It Drives Me Up The Wall

Dear Diary,

Wow!! I have missed you a lot. I have paid you a visit occasionally and read what I have written to you, that helps to ease me a little. I would do the same to those I have missed. Whenever I fell like it, I would read the old chat logs or the messages I have had with them and yes, it reduces the feeling of missing them. How are you Diary? I am good and I am still in my training days with the new job. Are you surprise? I am surprise at how long the training is. I have been doing nothing except idling and minding my old business in the office. No specific instructions were given and I feel that the bank is wasting its resources for us the new hires.

Honestly, I am being paid for coming in to the office at 9 and leaving at 630 sharp. Lunch is 2 hours from 12 to 2 pm and there is no productivity from me. I am beginning to lose it but I am hanging on for the sake of fulfilling the minimum duration I am required to work otherwise I will have to pay them 2 months salary in lieu of early termination of contract. Yes, I am planning to leave but only after I have secured a business loan from a very close investor. If the loan application is successful, I will leave this job and start the business.

All the time I am in the office, I have been scrutinising my business proposal. I have dream of it and started imagining running it. Yes, I am a dreamer. Will the loan be approved? I do not know but I will carry on dreaming of it until I get my hands on it. Dear Allah, please make it happen this time because I am not sure if I can last for another 3 months in this job. The team leader seems to get on my nerves as the day gets by. I have noticed that when he talks, he seems to think that his methods and beliefs are right. He does not seem arrogant but he is the softer version of Mr. Potato when he speaks. Everybody seems to have the same opinions about him.

Well, when you are in control of a department, there are only two types of opinions your staffs can feel about you; good or bad. The training he conducts are way below the standard level I expected. Most of the time, we were left on our own to idle. The work system here is very different than the previous bank I was with. I was kind of disappointed and began to have reservations about how this bank works. The training is the most disorganised, boring and lousy one I have ever attended. Ironically, the team leader thinks his training he conducts is relevant to what we will be doing. I have told you he thinks very highly of his methods and ways. Every improvement in communication makes the bore more terrible.  The best treatment for this type of person is to ignore him. The worst thing about a bore is not that he won't stop talking, but that he won't let you stop listening.

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