I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It Is Mostly About Weekends

Dear Diary,

How has it been for you Diary? I wish you were in the pink of health. I have not been busy however; I have been spending a lot of my time with my family and work. For the past one month, I have not had one weekend to myself. I spent all weekends with my family. I had a barbeque party organized by my cousins and I spent the following weekend in Tangkak so as the next. Imagine this Diary, I work five days a week and weekend is the only time I have to rest or to spend my time in the comfort of my home. Can you believe me how I truly treasure my weekends now? It is simply natural for me to feel that way towards my weekend. When else can I enjoy some time on my own except on weekends?

I am going to Tangkak again this weekend and it is going to be a long weekend for me. I have applied for unpaid leave on Monday and I will only get back to work on Wednesday, as Tuesday is a public holiday. It is sure good to have a long weekend like this however, I always feel that weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. I wish I could go elsewhere other than Tangkak. I guess I have to wait before than can happen.  The barbeque party was enjoyable even though it was a little boring. I supposed I do not have my favourite cousin, niece and nephews anymore to hang. Have I told you they have gone to Doha to live? It has been five months I think. Her husband was transferred to Doha and he brought along his whole family. I miss my niece so much and really wonder how she is getting along with the new environment there. We spent the night there by the beach and it was quite enjoyable. I set out two tents for my mother and myself. Dad and my brother did not spend the night there, as dad would be uncomfortable for sure.

There were plenty of food during the barbeque and that made it difficult to decide what to eat. I could say that there was an abundant supply of food and it was overwhelming actually. I brought egg sandwich and I had noticed that nobody really cared. I felt somewhat disappointed. I spent my time with Hello Kitty during the barbeque. If it was not for her, I would have felt bored and lonely. My only cousin that I am close with was away so that left me with no one else to get comfortable. I have a few cousin sisters that I can hang with but they are mostly a few years younger than I am.

I am getting used to my new job. The training is over and how thankful I am for that. Work is boring but at least it gives me time to write to you, discreetly of course. Well, I am not thinking of making this job permanent anyway. I have other plans that are waiting to be finalized. By the way, don’t I always have other plans Diary? I have learnt somewhere that life is always about planning. You must have a short-term plan and a long-term plan. Well, I have not stopped planning but I have stopped having too much hope on a plan I have created. The theory is simple, hope springs eternal in humans’ hearts but you also do not want to be crushed by your own hopes. Get what I mean?

Having worked here for almost a month, I am beginning to miss my old bank job. I miss everything about it especially the environment. I now realized that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. I knew that but I was simply being human trying to maximize my potentials. I should have stayed longer in that bank so that I would only have six more months to the first phase of my business plans. I left too soon and now I have to start all over again. Hello Kitty has decided to be a shareholder and she is working out something to get the funds. I am waiting. I still have a little bit of patience and hopes in me and if she could come out with the funds, I am on a roll. Looking back, I have a lot to thank her even if she could not get the funds. It is her beliefs in me so as her believe in my ambitions and dreams. We are doing this together and I know she is doing it for her own or perhaps our future as well. You would not invest in something when you could not have a taste of the profits would you? It is not finalized yet, we are still waiting for the application to be successful. I am praying for the application to go through and I think she is doing likewise.

I have my business proposal ready and I spend my time in the office amending and fine-tuning it. That is all I do in the office nowadays other than doing what I am supposed to do. Yes, I have to admit that I am losing my focus in the office. I do not work as hard as I did in this bank than in the previous bank. I have deviated myself from the main purpose I got this job. Well, who could have blamed me? I was turned off with this job right on the very first day of training. I have officially declared that of all the job trainings I have had, this is by far the worst trainings ever! There, I have said it. If only I could mention the bank’s name…I gladly would. It sucks big time and it is no joke. Boredom is a sickness the cure for which is work; pleasure is only a palliative. 

You know Diary, have I told you that the old bank I worked for has many persons that reminded me of the people close to my heart. Rose, she reminded me of Pumpkin because of her looks, height, body and laughter. Almost everything about her made me think of Pumpkin. Fazleena the girl in the administration department reminded me of Dark Chocolate. It is how she looks, how she wears her hair and her body figure especially, all of them made me think a lot of Dark Chocolate. Then we have Samantha who resembles Flying Babe. I got goose bumps whenever I saw her. Therefore, really that office has so much comfort for me. I was very comfortable there. I did not worry about not getting relaxed there. The familiar characters in the office were sufficient to make me feel at ease. I do not know them when I first joined the bank but having the feel of knowing them because some things about them made me feel calm, safe and homely. Have you felt like that before? Their presence soothes you and you do not have anything to be bothered.

I am not feeling like that in this new bank Diary and so I know I do not have to stay if I do not want to.       

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