I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, April 2, 2012

Run The Race Like A Horse

Dear Diary,

I am having lunch by myself and the only virtual company I have right now is you, Hippo and Hello Kitty. It was raining heavily this morning as I woke up and that really made me wish that I would have more time to enjoy my sleep. Today's training is boring as usual and I am dying to talk myself to be patient. Friday's training was boring as well but I was not feeling it as I was focusing on the weekend. It is Monday today therefore I think I would have every reason to feel nothing but unenthusiastic about my job.

To make matters worst, on Friday I was attached to 2 ex staffs of the old bank I worked for and they have told me discouraging stories of this new bank. Yes, I have to admit I got turned off already and I am really waiting for the time for me to get away from all these distractions. Like me, they also quit for bigger monetary rewards but after 6 months in the new bank, nothing they wished for had been achieved by them. Well, it is subjective and I should not have let myself be distracted by their experiences but I am only human Diary. Oh well, never mind I think I will get by fine soon. I simply need to coach myself to last for 1-1.5 years here.

I can only pray to Allah to give me the patience. Right now, I guess patience and perseverance are the key ingredients for me to have. I have to run like a horse in a competition. The only thing I must see is the finishing line and that is all that matters. But really it is not easy for someone like me who says goodbye easily. I have live in a society that exists on instant roti pratas and canai, packaged cake mixes, frozen epok-epok, and instant cameras so I wonder if I can teach patience to myself? Now really, that is a tall order. But I supposed it is time for a change. Oh Diary, this is really bad for me. I can only wait and see. Praying is a must thing to do for me now. He is the only one I can turn to for help.

I got to go already. Talk to you later Diary.

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