I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Forex And E-Commerce Are Giving Me Mood Swings

Dear Diary,

I do not know what I am feeling right now. At this very moment, I have suddenly lost all hope on almost everything. My mood changes so easily these past few days. I think I know what it is. They are Forex and e-commerce. You know I have not been trading correctly for so many times but somehow I have managed to make some profits. I would probably call it luck and also I controlled my greed and emotion. I always bear in mind that to have a good skill at money management in Forex is crucial and so I did try my level best to be good at it; managing my capital, loss and profits. However, I made many stupid mistakes in one day of trading, not at one of the accounts but both accounts. I made too many entries (layering) and all of the entries are against me right now. In total, I would have lost USD2000++ if I had closed all the positions. I have not done anything yet to my account, I just let them flow. 

I had a good opportunity yesterday to close the positions at minimal lost but I decided to let them continue floating thinking the market would go downtrend but I was wrong. I still can wait until the end of this month and I will close them as soon as I see it is a good time. I missed yesterday's opportunity and I am not going to let it pass again. I have to do something about it. I need to go back studying the correct trading techniques. Actually, there is not a single foolproof trading technique in the world. Different people have different trading styles. It is just that you have to find a technique that best suits your personality. I have tried a few techniques and I know I can make money out of it but sometimes I totally forgot about having and practising the correct trading principles.

I screwed myself up Diary. There are many times I feel like giving up. I cannot tell this to my family as they do not even know what I do for a living now. I cannot go on like this. I must do something to be good at my skills. Forex is a high-risk money making tools and I must be careful every time I trade. I am not giving up on it but I am going to take it slow now. 

I have done lots of research about e-commerce. There are many things that I know now. I am not sure if I like doing it or not. There are many things you have to do like doing research about the products you want to sell and also you need to spend some money on advertising. You must spend money to make money, yes I know this but I am at a stage where I got to watch what I am spending. I have not been making money for the past 2 months. I solely depend on my savings now and that is not a good thing. I cannot be making money from Forex yet as my accounts have too many open floating loss positions that withdrawing would risk me losing my accounts if the market goes against me further.  I had hope with e-commerce but after I went for two preview talks, I began to understand further on how internet marketers make people buy their products. It is more than just having an online store. The concept is similar to having a physical business.

First, you got to have a store, capitals, products and crowds to visit your store and then make the crowds buy your products. Everything is the same except that the capital to do business online is way cheaper than a physical store. You need to have products but you do not need to have an inventory of the products. You can make people buy the product first only then you get the product. The good thing about online business is you can reach people from all over the world. It is 24 hours operational and it can be a one man show. You can do drop shipping, internet marketing and much more. You will use the social media platform to advertise your products and services. You have to research on what product is trending at the moment and find ways to sell at attractive offers. Your advertisement got to be catchy and inviting. I have seen 2 full youtube videos on how to go about it. I am still deciding if I am going to make this my full-time rice bowl. I thought about it but I am not sure now. I cannot be making Forex my full-time source of income as trading Forex needs a peace of mind. I am pretty sure I will not be having peace of mind when I trade as you have to trade calmly to make rational decisions. Let me go for the course in August and then I will decide. Until then, I love you Diary. Talk to you again. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Getting The Foundation First

Dear Diary,

I still feel bitter about the closure of my credit card account. Yes, I have 8 other credit cards but I am still disappointed about it all. You see, I am the kind of person who hardly stays more than 3 years in a company. The last company I worked was for 22 months, 2 months short of 2 years. To have a good long standing record in a company is crucial when applying credit facilities in a bank. They will look at your company background, your length of service, your gross annual salary and of course your payment habits with the credit bureau. With my kind of attitude, it is really a tall order to repeat the process again. 

When I joined that company, I had dreams. I had visions. My purpose was to get as many credit facilities with the banks because I have plans. I succeeded at it but now when 1 credit facility was taken away because of my carelessness and carefree attitude, I felt that it was such a waste. That is what I am so angry about. I feel that my effort has gone down the drain. I am so fed up with myself. I have to get it back Diary. I have promised myself that I will get it back. You know I will. No matter how long or how difficult it is, I will get it back. Watch me. 

I went to a preview on e-commerce today. This time it was split into two. The first preview was about 2 brothers who made 2 million worth of sales in just 1-month selling kinds of stuff on Shopify through drop shipping and the second was about a man single-handedly sells kinds of stuff via email marketing and consistently make about 9 thousand monthly. Well, yes I believe them but I do not understand why they have to charge all the full courses at such high price. Their courses are all worth $1997 above close to $3000. 

I knew they will eventually sell their full course at the end of the preview and created a sense of urgency so that people will sign up, but I did not. I have already signed up for a course which commences in August and I know of an institution where I can learn about Google and Facebook marketing. The course cost $399 and the best thing is I can claim the cost of the course fee from the Singapore Government through a program called WSQ. Every Singaporean is given $500 worth of credit into their account and they can sign up for any WSQ registered course and use the $500 credit in their account to pay off the fees.  I have done my homework and I will sign up for this course soon. I will make inquiries tomorrow. 

The reasons why I still signed up for all these preview talks are because I want to get as many ideas as I can on how to make money online. I know what is e-commerce about but I need to know more than that. I must know tips on what they do to boost their sales, what they do to drive traffic to their site and most importantly what they do to make people buy.  They will not tell you comprehensively. Well, that is expected but they will let you know at least a little. Well, that is enough for me as I can find details on youtube and google about it. What is important to me is to get tips and work on it. Remember I have already signed up for a 3 days e-commerce course, so I am not too worried about not having mentors as I know I will soon. 

It is always good to have extra knowledge on the things you want to do. It is good to be street smart than a book smart.  I just did a search on youtube on how to create a shop on Shopify and guess what Diary, there are hundreds of videos on it and when I continue searching on how to find the latest trend of products, there are also hundreds of videos. See what I mean, it is necessary for you to get formally educated at the beginning, it is like creating a strong foundation for something. After that, then it is really how you continue learning. With today's technology, trust me Diary, nothing is impossible. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

My Stupid $16.40 Expenditure

Dear Diary,

The past weekend has been busy. I went visiting from noon till late evening. It was tiring. Lunch and dinner were spent at guest’s houses. Every house we went, food was served and out of courtesy I had to eat at every house. I knew I had put on some weight. I have little control about it. I am trying to lose some weight by jogging in the morning. I do 100 squats daily and 1 minute of plank. I have not managed to shed some weight but I know I will soon.

I am scheduled to hike Mount Kenderung and Mount Kerunai end of July. People call it the K2. They are located at Gerik Perak. I am not sure if any of my friends are going too but I hope they are as I do not know the way there. It would be safer if I carpool with 1 or 2 other people. I cannot imagine driving to Gerik Perak alone and then I have to find my way there to the starting point of the trek. Oh boy I really hope I can carpool with anybody.

I am disappointed a little today Diary. One of my credit cards account with a bank was closed because of non payment. Can you believe how much was it? $16.40. Well, yes I charged $16.40 to the card and I totally forgot about it. This particular card was the least spent or I hardly use at all. That $16.40 was probably the first and now the last time I used. So honestly I did not remember that I had used it once. What makes matter worst was I opted for an electronic statement.  I am lazy to check my statement online especially when I knew or believe I do not have any outstanding bill to my card. I have 9 credit cards and of course I do not use all of them. I only use 1 out of the nine and I did not know why the hell I used this card for that measly $16.40. I am so pissed at myself for being so stupid and careless. I spent it on February and I only received a physical letter dated 27th July reminding me to pay otherwise my account will be closed if they do not receive the payment in 2 weeks from the date of the letter. Ironically, I only opened the letter last night and the 2 weeks were already due and my account was closed.

Surprisingly, the bank did not even call me to remind. I am somewhat taken by surprise. How could a bank not call me? And the letter was the only reminder I received from the bank. I am annoyed Diary, I really am. If only they had call me. I made my payment this morning over the counter and I asked if the bank could reinstate my account. They could not. The only way for me to get back the credit card is to make a fresh application. I paid $16.40 exclusive of the finance and late charges. I still have to pay the rest of the charges actually but I chose not to as I know I can ask for a waiver. I already did and I am waiting for the approval. Only if my request was not approved, then I will pay.

Now that I am not working, it is difficult for me to re-apply. I have plans Diary. That is what I am so angry about. I am going to set up my own company and contribute monthly to my CPF account so at least, I have documents to show I am earning. I could be earning tens of thousands of dollars monthly but if I do not have any documents to proof it, it is just pointless. Proof of incomes is important for house and cars purchase. I need to prepare all these documents at least from now because I have bigger plans for the future. So many plans that I get so excited talking about them. I have plans in Singapore and Malaysia. I plan to apply for the Malaysia My Second Home Programme. It cost lots of money and I need proof of income. I need to do good in Forex. I am attending a seminar tomorrow again on Internet Marketing. I got to do it Diary. There is no more time to waste now. Oh Diary, please pray for me. I am doing this for myself and family especially my parents. Goals are dreams with deadlines because success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. I must set myself on fire. 

Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Dentist, The Brace and The Food I miss

Dear Diary,

I missed Fajr today. I woke up at 830am. I did not hear my alarm nor did I hear the Azan from my phone. I installed an Islamic app and it will notify me by Azan when prayer time comes. I did not hear a thing and I knew I really had a deep sleep last night. I was awaken at 330am actually and I had trouble going back to sleep then. I am thinking of having another alarm set up so that I will not miss waking up for Fajr. It is probably because of my age how I take the daily prayers seriously nowadays. I have noticed that changed in me. It becomes more obvious especially after I quit my job. I am not sure if it got something to do with my source of income. Well, honestly I do not have a stable income yet and I knew I have to turn to Allah to make me good at whatever I am doing for a living.

I am really determined not to go back to my 9-5 work. I have become lazy at it. Surprisingly I am not at all worried I am jobless now. I think it is the belief that I will do well in this online thingy I have going in the future. I believe in what I can achieve and I know I can accomplish financial freedom soon. It is just a matter of time. I am going for an internet business talk tomorrow. It is not a course, just a preview talk which I believe they will offer attendees opportunity to attend comprehensive workshop which will cost some money. I will not sign up for it if there is any. I have told you I have paid for a course which will start in August.  I cannot wait for it.

I had my braces tightened this morning. Luckily the clinic called me yesterday to remind me of the appointment. I hate going to the dentist since I was young. When I was in primary school, I really hated when I was called to go see the dentist. Every time a student came into my class with the dental card, I prayed silently that it was not my name to be called. I hated the dentist so much that I never thought it was necessary until my teeth got worse. You know that some tortures are physical, and some are mental, but the one that is both is dental. Like I said earlier, I had no choice as brace is the only option I have to save my teeth. I guess I just realised that every tooth in a man's head is more valuable than a diamond. I checked with the nurse and she told me I could take longer than 2 years to wear the brace as some teeth move slower and some move faster. It all depends on how fast my jaw and teeth shaped.

 Wearing brace makes me smile less and I have this feeling of self conscious. I never thought I would be wearing brace as I never consider it was necessary for me. But I have a gap in between my teeth, it has become prominent and I had to do something to my teeth. Every time during the appointment, I don’t like it when the dentist tightened and changed the wires of my brace. It is painful as he needs to push the wire into the socket on my teeth. Whenever he does that, the pain can be unbearable that at times I have to push his hand away and turned my face away from his hands. Can you imagine the pain until I have to do that? The purpose of the brace is to control the growth of my teeth so that they grow within an area deemed normal.

The dentist took photos of me before I wear the brace and also after I wear the brace. He made me smile in some pictures. He took my pictures from the left, right and front. I had to go for an x-ray too. He needed to study my jaw structure and also the shape of the teeth. Those pictures are for his record. I am pretty sure when the time comes for me to take off my brace, they will have to take my pictures again.  I see some people with braces have the coloured rubber attached to their brace but I wonder why I do not need to wear it. Perhaps I am still at an early stage of the treatment. My gums are still experiencing pain.

I have learnt how to eat and chew my food. I use my right molar teeth to chew. There are still problems about how I eat but it is not a big deal anyway. I miss eating burgers. I haven’t eaten one for 7 months now. I grieve for biting fried chickens and I long for eating pears. I marvel when I will be able to eat normally again because when the stomach is full the heart is glad as all happiness depends on a leisurely meals.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

My Journey Begins

Dear Diary,

I remember I wrote to you about my forex ambitions. Well, guess what? I have quit my full time job 2 months ago and I am surviving on my savings and profit I make from Forex. I will not consider myself a full time trader but rather I am considering myself as a full time Forex student who has two real accounts worth USD4000.

Oh, forgive me Diary for not writing for such a long time, I hope you are in the pink of health. I am writing to you with my new laptop which I bought 2 months ago. The old one has given way and I sent it for repair twice but I still think it will not perform at its best. I am doing another thing online that can generate money. I want multiple streams of income to survive. So I have enrolled myself in online business course in August. I need a performing laptop that does not crash on me. My focus is to make money online and there are only 3 important things I must have right now to be able to do that; a laptop/computer, smart phone/tablet and a good internet connection.

I had to invest a lot to prepare myself for all these. The capital for Forex accounts, the online business course fee, the price for this new laptop, the money I spent on books, DVDs about Forex and probably the advertising money I need to pay for my online business. Well, you need to spend money to make money don’t you? I have been thinking about it for a long time. All I wanted to do is to make money online so I can make money from anywhere in the world. This is what I got now it is just that I am new at it and it will take time for me to be good.

I have to tell you that I am wearing braces now. It cost me SGD5000. I do not have any other option, I mean I knew my teeth need to be straightened and I cannot waste anymore time delaying. It has been 6 months now. I do not enjoy it. Most of the times I feel like there is barbed wires in my mouth. I cannot bite and chew my food so that explains how I eat. Can you make a guess Diary? Nowadays, things are better. My gums are stronger so I can bite my food a little although the bite is not as strong as before I wear braces, at least it is better than when I first had it on. I have to wear it for 2 years and I still have about a year and a half to go. Hopefully, my teeth will become straight and I can expect no more teasing from my cousins about my teeth.

I  do think of the people that have left footprints in my heart but I just do not know what I want from them anymore. You know when you are at a certain age all you want to do is enjoy a quiet moment by yourself with a good cup of tea and a book. You simply do not care about anything else especially dramas. I miss them but I don’t think I have to let them know. Some things are better left unspoken.

I am feeling peaceful nowadays. I pray on time or at least I try to. I have been disciplined enough to pray 5 times daily including Fajr. I almost join my mother to perform Umrah this November until I had to drop my name from the list as I have no Mahram to go together with me. I do not regret it, it is just that I feel Allah has better plans for me and perhaps it is still not the right time for me to go yet. I have many stories to tell Diary. I will write to you again. I promise. I have plenty of time now and I want to take you back to the olden days where I write to you daily to tell you stuffs of my life. I want to document my life stories and my journey to success with Forex and my business online. I am excited about it all, I have said that I have aged but nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Watch my journey Diary.