I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Getting The Foundation First

Dear Diary,

I still feel bitter about the closure of my credit card account. Yes, I have 8 other credit cards but I am still disappointed about it all. You see, I am the kind of person who hardly stays more than 3 years in a company. The last company I worked was for 22 months, 2 months short of 2 years. To have a good long standing record in a company is crucial when applying credit facilities in a bank. They will look at your company background, your length of service, your gross annual salary and of course your payment habits with the credit bureau. With my kind of attitude, it is really a tall order to repeat the process again. 

When I joined that company, I had dreams. I had visions. My purpose was to get as many credit facilities with the banks because I have plans. I succeeded at it but now when 1 credit facility was taken away because of my carelessness and carefree attitude, I felt that it was such a waste. That is what I am so angry about. I feel that my effort has gone down the drain. I am so fed up with myself. I have to get it back Diary. I have promised myself that I will get it back. You know I will. No matter how long or how difficult it is, I will get it back. Watch me. 

I went to a preview on e-commerce today. This time it was split into two. The first preview was about 2 brothers who made 2 million worth of sales in just 1-month selling kinds of stuff on Shopify through drop shipping and the second was about a man single-handedly sells kinds of stuff via email marketing and consistently make about 9 thousand monthly. Well, yes I believe them but I do not understand why they have to charge all the full courses at such high price. Their courses are all worth $1997 above close to $3000. 

I knew they will eventually sell their full course at the end of the preview and created a sense of urgency so that people will sign up, but I did not. I have already signed up for a course which commences in August and I know of an institution where I can learn about Google and Facebook marketing. The course cost $399 and the best thing is I can claim the cost of the course fee from the Singapore Government through a program called WSQ. Every Singaporean is given $500 worth of credit into their account and they can sign up for any WSQ registered course and use the $500 credit in their account to pay off the fees.  I have done my homework and I will sign up for this course soon. I will make inquiries tomorrow. 

The reasons why I still signed up for all these preview talks are because I want to get as many ideas as I can on how to make money online. I know what is e-commerce about but I need to know more than that. I must know tips on what they do to boost their sales, what they do to drive traffic to their site and most importantly what they do to make people buy.  They will not tell you comprehensively. Well, that is expected but they will let you know at least a little. Well, that is enough for me as I can find details on youtube and google about it. What is important to me is to get tips and work on it. Remember I have already signed up for a 3 days e-commerce course, so I am not too worried about not having mentors as I know I will soon. 

It is always good to have extra knowledge on the things you want to do. It is good to be street smart than a book smart.  I just did a search on youtube on how to create a shop on Shopify and guess what Diary, there are hundreds of videos on it and when I continue searching on how to find the latest trend of products, there are also hundreds of videos. See what I mean, it is necessary for you to get formally educated at the beginning, it is like creating a strong foundation for something. After that, then it is really how you continue learning. With today's technology, trust me Diary, nothing is impossible. 

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