I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Forex And E-Commerce Are Giving Me Mood Swings

Dear Diary,

I do not know what I am feeling right now. At this very moment, I have suddenly lost all hope on almost everything. My mood changes so easily these past few days. I think I know what it is. They are Forex and e-commerce. You know I have not been trading correctly for so many times but somehow I have managed to make some profits. I would probably call it luck and also I controlled my greed and emotion. I always bear in mind that to have a good skill at money management in Forex is crucial and so I did try my level best to be good at it; managing my capital, loss and profits. However, I made many stupid mistakes in one day of trading, not at one of the accounts but both accounts. I made too many entries (layering) and all of the entries are against me right now. In total, I would have lost USD2000++ if I had closed all the positions. I have not done anything yet to my account, I just let them flow. 

I had a good opportunity yesterday to close the positions at minimal lost but I decided to let them continue floating thinking the market would go downtrend but I was wrong. I still can wait until the end of this month and I will close them as soon as I see it is a good time. I missed yesterday's opportunity and I am not going to let it pass again. I have to do something about it. I need to go back studying the correct trading techniques. Actually, there is not a single foolproof trading technique in the world. Different people have different trading styles. It is just that you have to find a technique that best suits your personality. I have tried a few techniques and I know I can make money out of it but sometimes I totally forgot about having and practising the correct trading principles.

I screwed myself up Diary. There are many times I feel like giving up. I cannot tell this to my family as they do not even know what I do for a living now. I cannot go on like this. I must do something to be good at my skills. Forex is a high-risk money making tools and I must be careful every time I trade. I am not giving up on it but I am going to take it slow now. 

I have done lots of research about e-commerce. There are many things that I know now. I am not sure if I like doing it or not. There are many things you have to do like doing research about the products you want to sell and also you need to spend some money on advertising. You must spend money to make money, yes I know this but I am at a stage where I got to watch what I am spending. I have not been making money for the past 2 months. I solely depend on my savings now and that is not a good thing. I cannot be making money from Forex yet as my accounts have too many open floating loss positions that withdrawing would risk me losing my accounts if the market goes against me further.  I had hope with e-commerce but after I went for two preview talks, I began to understand further on how internet marketers make people buy their products. It is more than just having an online store. The concept is similar to having a physical business.

First, you got to have a store, capitals, products and crowds to visit your store and then make the crowds buy your products. Everything is the same except that the capital to do business online is way cheaper than a physical store. You need to have products but you do not need to have an inventory of the products. You can make people buy the product first only then you get the product. The good thing about online business is you can reach people from all over the world. It is 24 hours operational and it can be a one man show. You can do drop shipping, internet marketing and much more. You will use the social media platform to advertise your products and services. You have to research on what product is trending at the moment and find ways to sell at attractive offers. Your advertisement got to be catchy and inviting. I have seen 2 full youtube videos on how to go about it. I am still deciding if I am going to make this my full-time rice bowl. I thought about it but I am not sure now. I cannot be making Forex my full-time source of income as trading Forex needs a peace of mind. I am pretty sure I will not be having peace of mind when I trade as you have to trade calmly to make rational decisions. Let me go for the course in August and then I will decide. Until then, I love you Diary. Talk to you again. 

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