I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, July 10, 2017

My Stupid $16.40 Expenditure

Dear Diary,

The past weekend has been busy. I went visiting from noon till late evening. It was tiring. Lunch and dinner were spent at guest’s houses. Every house we went, food was served and out of courtesy I had to eat at every house. I knew I had put on some weight. I have little control about it. I am trying to lose some weight by jogging in the morning. I do 100 squats daily and 1 minute of plank. I have not managed to shed some weight but I know I will soon.

I am scheduled to hike Mount Kenderung and Mount Kerunai end of July. People call it the K2. They are located at Gerik Perak. I am not sure if any of my friends are going too but I hope they are as I do not know the way there. It would be safer if I carpool with 1 or 2 other people. I cannot imagine driving to Gerik Perak alone and then I have to find my way there to the starting point of the trek. Oh boy I really hope I can carpool with anybody.

I am disappointed a little today Diary. One of my credit cards account with a bank was closed because of non payment. Can you believe how much was it? $16.40. Well, yes I charged $16.40 to the card and I totally forgot about it. This particular card was the least spent or I hardly use at all. That $16.40 was probably the first and now the last time I used. So honestly I did not remember that I had used it once. What makes matter worst was I opted for an electronic statement.  I am lazy to check my statement online especially when I knew or believe I do not have any outstanding bill to my card. I have 9 credit cards and of course I do not use all of them. I only use 1 out of the nine and I did not know why the hell I used this card for that measly $16.40. I am so pissed at myself for being so stupid and careless. I spent it on February and I only received a physical letter dated 27th July reminding me to pay otherwise my account will be closed if they do not receive the payment in 2 weeks from the date of the letter. Ironically, I only opened the letter last night and the 2 weeks were already due and my account was closed.

Surprisingly, the bank did not even call me to remind. I am somewhat taken by surprise. How could a bank not call me? And the letter was the only reminder I received from the bank. I am annoyed Diary, I really am. If only they had call me. I made my payment this morning over the counter and I asked if the bank could reinstate my account. They could not. The only way for me to get back the credit card is to make a fresh application. I paid $16.40 exclusive of the finance and late charges. I still have to pay the rest of the charges actually but I chose not to as I know I can ask for a waiver. I already did and I am waiting for the approval. Only if my request was not approved, then I will pay.

Now that I am not working, it is difficult for me to re-apply. I have plans Diary. That is what I am so angry about. I am going to set up my own company and contribute monthly to my CPF account so at least, I have documents to show I am earning. I could be earning tens of thousands of dollars monthly but if I do not have any documents to proof it, it is just pointless. Proof of incomes is important for house and cars purchase. I need to prepare all these documents at least from now because I have bigger plans for the future. So many plans that I get so excited talking about them. I have plans in Singapore and Malaysia. I plan to apply for the Malaysia My Second Home Programme. It cost lots of money and I need proof of income. I need to do good in Forex. I am attending a seminar tomorrow again on Internet Marketing. I got to do it Diary. There is no more time to waste now. Oh Diary, please pray for me. I am doing this for myself and family especially my parents. Goals are dreams with deadlines because success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. I must set myself on fire. 

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