I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

My Journey Begins

Dear Diary,

I remember I wrote to you about my forex ambitions. Well, guess what? I have quit my full time job 2 months ago and I am surviving on my savings and profit I make from Forex. I will not consider myself a full time trader but rather I am considering myself as a full time Forex student who has two real accounts worth USD4000.

Oh, forgive me Diary for not writing for such a long time, I hope you are in the pink of health. I am writing to you with my new laptop which I bought 2 months ago. The old one has given way and I sent it for repair twice but I still think it will not perform at its best. I am doing another thing online that can generate money. I want multiple streams of income to survive. So I have enrolled myself in online business course in August. I need a performing laptop that does not crash on me. My focus is to make money online and there are only 3 important things I must have right now to be able to do that; a laptop/computer, smart phone/tablet and a good internet connection.

I had to invest a lot to prepare myself for all these. The capital for Forex accounts, the online business course fee, the price for this new laptop, the money I spent on books, DVDs about Forex and probably the advertising money I need to pay for my online business. Well, you need to spend money to make money don’t you? I have been thinking about it for a long time. All I wanted to do is to make money online so I can make money from anywhere in the world. This is what I got now it is just that I am new at it and it will take time for me to be good.

I have to tell you that I am wearing braces now. It cost me SGD5000. I do not have any other option, I mean I knew my teeth need to be straightened and I cannot waste anymore time delaying. It has been 6 months now. I do not enjoy it. Most of the times I feel like there is barbed wires in my mouth. I cannot bite and chew my food so that explains how I eat. Can you make a guess Diary? Nowadays, things are better. My gums are stronger so I can bite my food a little although the bite is not as strong as before I wear braces, at least it is better than when I first had it on. I have to wear it for 2 years and I still have about a year and a half to go. Hopefully, my teeth will become straight and I can expect no more teasing from my cousins about my teeth.

I  do think of the people that have left footprints in my heart but I just do not know what I want from them anymore. You know when you are at a certain age all you want to do is enjoy a quiet moment by yourself with a good cup of tea and a book. You simply do not care about anything else especially dramas. I miss them but I don’t think I have to let them know. Some things are better left unspoken.

I am feeling peaceful nowadays. I pray on time or at least I try to. I have been disciplined enough to pray 5 times daily including Fajr. I almost join my mother to perform Umrah this November until I had to drop my name from the list as I have no Mahram to go together with me. I do not regret it, it is just that I feel Allah has better plans for me and perhaps it is still not the right time for me to go yet. I have many stories to tell Diary. I will write to you again. I promise. I have plenty of time now and I want to take you back to the olden days where I write to you daily to tell you stuffs of my life. I want to document my life stories and my journey to success with Forex and my business online. I am excited about it all, I have said that I have aged but nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Watch my journey Diary.  

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