I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Am A Kind Scanner

Dear Diary,

Work is good today and I am getting along fine with the surroundings and atmosphere. I was given a bigger responsibility but I think I can handle it. The responsibility is to be a scanner for the products to be packed away for deliveries. I have to make sure that every item to be delivered is scanned correctly into the system and the correct boxes are used. 

It looks difficult on the surface but it is easy once you get the hang of it. I was partnered with Mouse deer and it was good until a senior staff snapped at her for asking questions too many times. I felt sorry for her because I knew she only wanted to be sure, of what she was supposed to do. You see Diary; Mouse deer is from a special school. Now when I say special it means, she is from a school of the less 'smart' children. Her IQ level is below the standard most people have. Thus, she has difficulty understanding instructions unless you explain those instructions to her as if she is a five year old. 

I am new to scanning therefore; I need a packer who knows what kind of boxes for each product. Mouse deer could not help me with that although she has been a packer for a month. Because of that, a senior staff snapped at her for asking questions she was supposed to know the answers. I pretended not to hear anything when it happened but really, Diary, I felt sorry for her. I guess she was merely a victim of an impatient staff who expects her to be a fast learner. Perhaps that staff should have put herself in Mouse deer’s shoes before setting her expectations. 

I tried to be helpful to Mouse deer but I can only do so much as I am still very new to the job. I supposed however hot tempered I am, there is still some sense of patience in me. I tried to talk to Mouse deer not to take the incident to heart. I told her that it will happen anywhere and to simply take it easy. She understood me but I can see that she was afraid of that staff. Well Diary, to someone timid like Mouse deer, anything can be scary. She does not know how to talk back and all she does is to apologies repeatedly which can be quite annoying at times. I perfectly understand the situation. 

Anyway, how are you Diary? I have missed you and I want to talk some more but I am sleepy and tired. I am writing to tell you that you have not been forgotten and I have always thought about you when I am alone. You have been my diary and you will always be regardless how often I write to you. I love you Diary, please take care.

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