I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Bad Cold Sunday

Dear Diary,

It is a Sunday and ironically, I have to be up by six to send mom to work. She is in the morning shift. I scrambled out of bed when I heard knocks on my door. I had a quick shower and got ready as fast as I could, as I knew mom would not like to be late for work. She is like that and everybody knows that. If you are late fetching or sending her, she could give you a sermon about that and at that point of time I sure feel like shoving up a cucumber into her mouth for that matter. It annoys me as I find her too much at times. She can never compromise on anything and that makes me even more disengage from her.   I guess I have somewhat got exhausted of her personalities. 

Dad and I went to Johor Bahru after that. We had breakfast there and did what other Singaporeans do when they are in JB; we pumped petrol into the car. Dad brought me to this car wash and I immediately fell in love with its concept. Nothing very outrageous about this carwash but it has facilities that could attract many customers. It has a café where patrons can sit for coffee or tea and even for light meals. The café serves drinks as well as food. It has wireless internet service and it has a small provision shop inside the café. I like the carwash and I knew, this would be the kind of carwash I would run if I have the opportunity to open one in Kuala Lumpur

We came home at half past ten and I took a nap. I was dead beat and I kind of got unhappy that I couldn’t spend my weekend being lazy at home. Somewhere deep inside I knew I would snap at anything soon. I woke up at noon and started to do my laundry. I needed to wash my socks. You know Diary, I have to wear safety boots at work and I need many pairs of socks. Some of them in the warehouse do not change their socks and everytime they change their shoes, the unpleasant smell of smelly feet and socks invades the air. That smell reminds me of my schooling days. I try to change my socks everyday because I know I would be just like one of them who have smelly feet if I do not. 

The thing about working in the warehouse, people are rowdy and rough. Eventually, you have to be one too to survive. I start work at eight and I have noticed the difference in the crowds. Most of them are blue collar workers. They rush for the train like there is no tomorrow. They talk loudly on the trains to each other. It is different working in the banks. The crowds are civilised a little and I speak good English with them. In the warehouse, I speak a mixture of broken English and street Malay. They are mostly Malaysians so they can speak Malay, which I always find a good thing. 

I fetched mom at half past two in the afternoon and then we went for lunch. I thought I could head straight back home after lunch but no, my parents wanted to go to the beach. They did not want to go home. This is my parents. They like to go places and I swear it can be demanding at times because they may be financially independent but they are dependent when they want to go places. There is a feeling of regret I have in me. I thought mom would be independent once she would have her license but no. It is just the same. I brought them to Sembawang Beach and we sat there for a while. I bought ice cream for them and we walked to the beach.   

The beach was undergoing some upgrading works and many parts of the beach were blocked thus there were not many places to hang out. We finally settled at one part of the beach. Mom brought her novels and she did her reading. Dad sat and admired the beach while I sat dreaming of becoming my own boss. There were a couple of stray cats. They might have survived from the leftover of food from the nearby restaurants I thought. The cats look clean even though thay are stray. We spent about an hour and a half at the beach and then went home. 

While at home, I was preparing myself to fetch my brother from the bus terminal. I was already feeling a little unhappy about my weekend. To make things worst mom knocked on my door. I opened the door and she asked what time do I want to leave to fetch brother. Do you remember Diary in the earlier part of this entry I told you that I might snap at little silly things soon, yes, that was it. I was upset as I have to spend my weekend like any other working days waking up early from bed. I have to fetch this person, and then send that person and then fetch that person again and send that person againand as if those were not enough, I have to go here and there because other people want to go to places. I was angry. I was like a bull waiting to charge at anybody who come in my way. 

When mom asked me that, I answered her firmly. There was a strong resentment in my voice and she told me off immediately telling me that she still rules the house and holds the crown of the fiercest woman in the house. I threw my ipad on my bed to show her my dissatisfaction. Since then, she and I are not talking to each other. So there goes my weekend.

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